¿Como buscar información en internet?
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
Planificación de la búsqueda
Paginas en la cuales buscar
Web sites can be implemented in a variety of ways. Choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Content Management System (CMS)Custom codedHosted on own serversHosted on third party servers
Conocimientos previos
What browsers will your site need to support?
It is difficult to support all browsers as technologies change. Many web sites declare older browser versions as unsupported.
Add included or excluded browsers and versions.
Finalidad de la información
Add information about the formats your site will need to support.
Think about:
- Accessibility guidelines and requirements (e.g. WCAG guidelines to ensure sites are accessible a range of abilities)
- Support for low-bandwidth users
- 'Adaptive' layouts for mobile devices
- Target screen resolutions
- Content ratings or age verification
Búsqueda de frases
Links tend to go stale over time and need periodic testing. Add a note about on you will detect broken links.
Options include:
- Providing a reporting function on your site
- Manually testing against a schedule
- Running an automatic link testing tool
Las palabras entre comillas dobles aparecerán juntas en todos los documentos encontrados
Acotar la búsqueda
You will need to test against your supported browsers, especially after updates. Add some notes about how this will be achieved.
Think about:
- Maintaining your list of supported browsers
- Notifications of updates, so that you can test new versions
- Establishing a test platform with browsers installed
- Cross-browser testing stacks & tools
- HTML validation services
Para acotar la búsqueda basta con agregar más palabras a los términos de búsqueda que ya se han ingresado.
Exclusión de palabras
When performing tests, or receiving feedback on the technical aspects of the site, how will you collect and track issues?
Think about:
- Capturing screenshots
- Using mark-up software that lets users add comments to a site
- Logging issues and their current status
- Scheduling fixes
- Logging changes and fixes against a site version or last-update date
Colocando un signo menos antes del término que se quiere excluir.
Búsqueda básica
You will need to test the usability and user stories that the site should deliver.
Think about:
- Having a representative panel of users
- Organising supervised test situations
- Preparing test scenarios and instructions
- Analysing issues and making improvements
- Analysing site statistics to see how users navigate
- Analysing feedback from the site to make improvements to the design and navigation
- Using software to support user testing
En español no distinguen los acentos diacríticos.
No distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Prefiere las páginas en las que los términos buscados están cerca unos de otros.
Frases para buscar información
Extracción y uso de la información recopilada.
Disposición de señales para detectar nueva información relevante.
What are the key milestones for your website project? Add a topic and target date for each milestone.
Think about:
- Setting up the team
- Agreement on content
- Agreement on graphic design
- Appointment of outsourced services
- Completion of usability testing
- Official launch
- Maintenance running smoothly
Diferenciación y etiquetado de la información clave.
Will you use A/B testing?
A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology. You can use it for:
- Testing colour, wording, graphics and layouts
- Testing calls to action
- Testing product positioning and targeting
Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.
Exploración y revisión de los documentos encontrados
Búsqueda activa a través del encadenamiento de links.
Tipo de buscador
Se caracteriza por la flexibilidad con que ejecuta el proceso de búsqueda se toma un tiempo para realizar sus búsquedas
Es propositivo en su búsqueda tiene en cuenta ciertos elementos conocidos para escoger la información que finalmente recopilará
Busca intencionadamente la información y lo hace de manera rígida, partiendo de puntos informativos ya conocidos a los que siempre acude
How will you do the following?
- Refine and agree the requirements
- Deliver the collateral and materials
- Brief designers
- Obtain comments and feedback
- Obtain approval for release
Encuentra la información de forma accidental y realiza la
búsqueda a través de una palabra vinculada al tema
Add a stakeholder role. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.
- Approver
- Client representative
- User representative
- Tester
- Marketer
- Designer
- Copywriter
- Customer services
- Sales
- Editor
- Technology adviser
- Developer
- Systems Administrator