Kategorier: Alle - herramientas - tabletas - redes - identidad

av Ivan Dario 2 år siden


competencias digitales y herramientas esenciales para tranformar las clases y vanazar professionalmente.

La transformación educativa a través de competencias digitales y herramientas es fundamental para el avance profesional. Los docentes deben ser capaces de capturar y gestionar información utilizando plataformas como Google Drive y Evernote.

competencias digitales y herramientas esenciales para tranformar las clases y vanazar professionalmente.

competencias digitales y herramientas esenciales para tranformar las clases y vanazar professionalmente.

Marine life, sea life or ocean life, is represented by the plants, animals and other organisms that live in the saltwater of the sea or ocean, or the brackish water of coastal estuaries.

At a fundamental level, marine life affects the nature of the planet. Marine organisms produce oxygen and sequester carbon.

competencia # 4 trabajar en equipo y colaborar en la linea

Fish are limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins living wholly in water.

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Enumerate at least 10 of the most popular fish.


Rays are the largest group of cartilaginous fishes, with well over 600 species in 26 families.

Rays look like bats in the water, and this is probably why they are called batoids. Rays use their pectoral fins to 'fly' through the water. Though a bony fish takes in water with its mouth, rays do not because they live at the bottom of the ocean.

Name a few of the most known species.

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Species in the shark subclass have skeletons made from cartilage, not bone, and have five to seven gill slits on each side of their heads (most other fish have only one gill slit on each side), which they use to filter oxygen from the water.

Enumerate a few of the most known species of sharks:


competencia # 5 conectarse virtualmente

Marine invertebrates lack a vertebral column, and some have evolved a shell or a hard exoskeleton. Some of them can collect bacterias or even absorb harmful components. For instance, sea sponges are able to take in the excess amount of ammonium in the ocean water.

They have more than 10,000 species, name a few that are the most common.

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competencia #6 gestionar y controlar la identidad digital

Marine plants consist of two major types, the seagrasses, and the algae and seaweeds.

Seagrasses represent members of some of the more complex plants, while algae and seaweeds display simple forms and are often microscopic.

Gather information about marine plants:

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competencia #7 participar en las redes sociales

A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, whose polyps cluster in groups.
The 3 main types of reef are: atoll, barrier reefs, fringing reefs.

Write down their characteristics as well as the importance of the reefs

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competencia # 8 entender derechos de autor

si el autor de una obra ve perjudiciados sus derechos con toda probabilidad lo anunciara en internet con valoraciones negativas y acciones legales y sin duda habra que pagar serias indemnizaciones.

cpmpetencia # 9 crear gestionar aulas virtuales

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Competencia #3 crear lecciones multimedia

Marine mammals are aquatic mammals that rely on the ocean and other marine ecosystems for their existence.

They include animals such as seals, whales, manatees, sea otters, and polar bears. They are an informal group, unified only by their reliance on marine environments for feeding.

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competencia #2 capturar y gestionar informacion

Seabirds are birds that are adapted to life within the marine environment. While seabirds vary greatly in lifestyle, behavior, and physiology, they often exhibit striking convergent evolution, as the same environmental problems and feeding niches have resulted in similar adaptations.

Name a few of bird species who live at sea or at the seaside:

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google drive

competencia #1 como y donde buscar por internet.

Currently, of the approximately 12,000 extant reptile species and subspecies, only about 100 are classed as marine reptiles: extant marine reptiles include marine iguanas, sea snakes, sea turtles and saltwater crocodiles.

Additional info

Crocodilians may be found swimming out at sea, but they can't live out there in the way that a marine turtle can.

Research, then write down what you know about them. For e.g, their lifespan, their weight, where you can spot them. etc

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Sea snakes, or coral reef snakes, are a subfamily of venomous elapid snakes, that inhabit marine environments for most or all of their lives. Most are extensively adapted to a fully aquatic life and are unable to move on land.

Research, then write down facts about sea snakes, for e.g. how fast they swim, what do they eat or how long they live, etc.


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Write down some interesting facts about sea turtles, like how long they live or how long can they dive, etc.

competencia #10 trabajar con tabletas

desde el punto de vista tecnico existen ciertas ventajas de la tableta para el profesor, moverse por la tableta es realmente intuitivo ya que requiere de una serie de toques y gestos de los dedos en la pantalla, en vez de movimientos de raton o combinaciones de teclas.