Kategorier: Alle - government - penalties - honesty - consequences

av Sameer Shah 11 år siden


Corruption In Kenya

Addressing the issue of bribery among traffic police involves multi-faceted approaches. The government must implement stricter penalties to deter both drivers and officers from engaging in corrupt practices.

Corruption In Kenya

Bribery Among Traffic Police

What Should a driver do

If a police ever says TKK then the driver should report the police man and move on because it is the right thing to do.
Once a driver is caucht they should appologise and face the conciquences. It is not right to bribe the police and get away with it.

Facts on Bribery

People do things like....At a traffic roadblock, the bus conductor would squeeze a 100 shilling note (about $1.2) into a tiny ball as a police officer pretends to check the validity of insurance stickers on the windscreen. The officer allows the vehicle to proceed and picks the note after it drives away.
When a driver is caught on the wrong they bribe the police to avoid hassle

Why Is this happening

the police are not honest. If they were honest then none of this would occur.
The Government is corrupt and are not paying the police men well enough. this tempts the police and this results in bribery.

what police should do

If the police men are not bieng paid well it is not right to make the civilians to pay for this. The police men should demand a highrt sallary but this issue has nothing to do with the civillians so they should no be brought in.
Every police man should move allong with the conciquences that the driver has to face. the answer is not to bribe them and let them get away with it.

What the government should do

The government should impliment tougher penalties. This will make people think twice before they bribr someone because they may be caught.
Te Government should pay all the polie well. If they are paid well then there is no need for them to earn extra money by bribing others


Eventually it will become "toa kila kitu" which means give me everything
Soon it will become "toa kitu kubwa" which means give me something big
"Toa kitu kidogo" what officers say. In english: give me something small