av Deborah Dolan 13 år siden
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Electronic Graphing Organizers
1.l Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science
1. m Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching literature, analyzing data, and communicating the results
1a- Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data (Graphic Organizer)
Effective Communicators
Utilize technology tools (Web 2.0) to develop collaboration skills
Manage information and ideas through a variety of modes of communication
Read, write, listen and speak proficiently
Responsible Citizens
Demonstrate awareness of Health, Environmental, and Global issues
Demonstrate self-discipline, as reflected by positive behavior
Academic Achievers
Develop technology literacy skills
Meet or exceed state, district and school standards and competencies
Critical Thinkers
Creating innovative solutions to real world challenges
Organize data using Graphic Organizers
Demonstrate higher level thinking skills, such as applying, analyzing, and evaluating data
Independent Learners
Demonstrate the use of a variety of tools for self-evaluation and goal-setting
ITSE/NETS Technology Standards
•Demonstrate creativity and innovation •Communicate and collaborate •Conduct research and use information •Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions •Use technology effectively and productively
California Chemistry Standards
•Chemical Thermodynamics •Nuclear Processes •Organic and Biochemistry •Reaction Rates •Chemical Equilibrium
•Atomic and Molecular Structure •Chemical Bonds •Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry •Gases and their Properties •Acids and Bases •Solutions
California Biology Standards
•Cell Biology •Genetics/ Biotechnology •Ecology •Evolution •Human Physiology/ Health
Teaching is my passion. I want to help students achieve academic success, self –confidence, and a love of learning. Today’s student is graduating into a fast-paced world where the tree of knowledge is growing exponentially. Technology is evolving at a record pace, too. To be successful in this environment, students must be able to locate valid data, analyze information, communicate and collaborate to come up with creative solutions to real world problems using technology tools. To help this process, I’ve outline some basic student guidelines:
Please contact me if you have any concerns or comments. Don’t wait until a concern becomes a problem. Often concerns are misunderstandings that can be easily remedied to the satisfaction of all parties if addressed early. The fastest way to contact me is through email at deborah.dolan@dsusd.us. I look forward to exploring and learning with you this year.
•brainstorm, connect, create, and elaborate
•assume, infer, analyze, prioritize, and judge
Assess understanding
Review concepts
Practice concepts
Research and answer real world challenge
Flowchart a biological process
Vocabulary practice
Smart Slate
Teacher computer and Projector
• Remembering • Understanding • Applying • Analyzing • Evaluating • Creating
Bloom's taxonomy
• Remembering - Recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding
• Understanding - Interpreting, Summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying
• Applying - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
• Analyzing - Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, Attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating
• Evaluating - Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, Experimenting, judging, testing, Detecting, Monitoring
• Creating - designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making
sticky notes