Kategorier: Alle - environment - genetics - culture - behavior

av Clay Stidham Jr 4 år siden



The interplay between genetics and environment significantly influences behavior, including tendencies toward violence. One critical area of study is the MAOA gene, variations of which have been linked to increased aggression.



2.8 Genetics and Behavior Are people born violent?

How might a variation of the MAOA gene increase an individual's probability of being violent?
How do studies on twins suggest antisocial behavior is influenced by genetics AND the environment?

2.6 Neurotransmission Can chemicals in our brain cause violent crimes?

How can the results of Passamonti et al.'s study explain the correlation between serotonin and violence?
How do particular areas of our brain receive relevant information about environmental stimuli?

2.4 Hormones and Behavior Why are men more aggressive than women?

How can Radke et al.'s study demonstrate how high testosterone levels may influence aggression?
How might testosterone levels affect our "fight" response?
How might aggressive tendencies be an evolutionary adaptation?
How does Albert et al.'s study show a causal relationship between testosterone and aggression?

2.2 The Brain and Decision Making How might brain damage affect the way we think?

How does this study suggest that the vmPFC plays a role in system two processing?
How might damage to the prefrontal cortex influence decision making?
How can the system used in processing influence judgment and decision making?
Guiding Question: How might processing be influencing the judgment and decision making of the children in the marshmallow study?

IB EXAM TIPS: As this is early in your psychology career, all you'll need to do is explain straight forward relationships between two factors, with a posible effect of that relationship. These relationships are the basis of the guiding questions and will be the basis of your exam questions. For instance:

HL - How and why are animal studies used?
How can research demonstrate localization of brain function?
How can neurotransmission influence behavior?
How can hormones influence behavior?

2.9 Social Cognitive Theory How can nature affect nurture and vice-versa?

How does this bobo doll study support one or more claims of social cognitive theory?
How can triadic reciprocal determinism be demonstrated in research?

2.7 Neuroplasticity How can the way we think affect our brain?

How might the neuroplasticity benefits of mindfulness be used to reduce violence?
How might meditation and/or mindfulness improve the functions of the prefrontal cortex?
How does research show that childhood environment can influence brain development?
How does this experiment show that our environment can influence brain development?

2.5 Culture and Biology How can culture affect testosterone levels?

How might cultural values influence aggression?
Why are cultural values different between Northern and Southern white Americans?

2.3 The Brain and Emotion How might our brain affect our experience of emotion?

How does perception lead to the physiological arousal associated with fear?
How does SM's case study demonstrate the role of the amygdala in experiencing fear?
How might a lack of response to an emotional stimulus explain violence?

2.1 The Brain and Behavior How might brain damage affect the way we think?

Guiding Question: How does the Vietnam Head Injury Study show that damage to the prefrontal cortex may affect aggression?
Guiding Question: How does Phineas Gage's case suggest that damage to the frontal lobe affects impulsive behavior?