Kategorier: Alle - complexity - simulation - quantum - constraints

av ivan cazares 4 år siden


Do we live on a simulation?

The concept of living in a simulation has been explored by researchers who have analyzed the computational resources required to simulate quantum mechanical systems. They found that simulating even a small number of quantum states would demand an enormous amount of memory and processing power.

Do we live on a simulation?

Do we live on a simulation?


Zohar Ringel and Dmitry L. Kovrizhin
CONCLUSION require more atoms than there are in the universe
According to the research team’s best approximations, it would require 1 terabyte of RAM to store just 20 spins of a single particle on the quantum level
“In order to simulate a quantum mechanical system, one would, in general, have to diagonalize this matrix on a computer, which is a computationally difficult task when the size of the matrix becomes large.”
Quantized gravitational responses, the sign problem, and quantum complexity

thermal Hall conductance

spontaneously broken time-reversal (TR)

fractional quantum Hall effects

University of Hampshire
Silas Beane

Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation

Conclusion The spectrum of the highest energy cosmic rays provides the most stringent constraint that we have found on the lattice spacing of a universe simulation,


We dont know if Universe is finite

We dont know all Physics laws

if we have enough computer power in the future we know the classical limit for quantum computer. but, we dont know the future algoritms, or hardware used in the future,

fundamental energy scale defined by the lattice spacing can be orders of magnitude smaller than the Planck scale, in which case the conflict between quantum mechanics and gravity should be absent


CRR computational resource requirements to CQD

Lattice Algebraic structure , partialy ordered set in which every 2 elements have a unique supremum (upper bound or joint), and a unique infimum (lower bound or meet)

(QCD) Quantum Chromodynamics the fundamental force in nature that gives rise to the strong nuclear force among protons and neutrons,

(HPC) high-performance computing

Moore's law Exponential grouth of raw computer power in time,

University of Washington
Martin Savage

if YES, we find present constraints on actual simulations, and find analog limitations evidences on our universe

underlying lattice if one is used to model the space-time continuum.

Those computers, divide space into a four dimension grid, that allows researchers to examine what is called, the strong force, (1/4 fundamental forces of nature ) this binds subatomic particles called quarks, to stick together, until atoms.

Supercomputers lattice quantum chromodynamics, starting from the fundamental physical laws that govern the universe can simulate only a very small portion of the universe, on the scale of one 100-trillionth of a meter, a little larger than the nucleus of an atom, But in the future a molecule, an atom, a body.


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Ready Player One
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Playtest (Season 3, Episode 2)
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Mandela effect
if we find constraints that can not be avoided on VR that persist on reality .we can asume we are on a simmulation
double slid experiment. if you see it it behaves a sa particle . if you dont see it it behaves as a wave. maybe.. it saves some calculations if you are not observing it . then simmulation will avoid expensive calculus on processing
we can not travel higher than speed of light . maybe this is the possiblility of rendering a scene. because it is not rendering all the universe, just the parts that we reach
George Smoot Astrophysicist Novel Prize
You are a simulation, physics can prove it!

Physics have contradictions

Quantum Mechanical Paradoxes

Schrödinger's cat paradox,

Quantum superposition

the cat in a locked steel chamber, remains both alive and dead until the state has been observed state known as a quantum superposition

double-slit experiment

Quantum mechanics "The Double Slit Experiment " atoms exist both as particles and waves

we are actually on a simulation

We are not good at solving things

EPR paradox Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox

Quantum entanglement

a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others

Quantum Mechanic description is incomplete wave function does not contain complete information about physical reality

Physical Paradox

Brain Mappings on MRI are so good you can map to the individual neuron level,

We have limitations of computer power.

Compromises in our algorithms

Difficulty with complex desitions

Systematic errors in judgement

Suceptible to optical ilutions

in 30 years you will can download you brain into a computer

Ant the size of simulated porn isnt so good in the real world

you will think 1 million times faster

Experience life 1 million times faster

if you are an antropologyst and want to know rise and fall causes of a civilization, you will run with some billions of people, and many simulations


even People running our simulation, doesnt know if they are a simulation

We know there is at least of a billion or more habitable planets in our galaxy, and about 100 billion galaxies What are the chances our civilization is the most computationally powerful

Antrophic Principle

Weak ostensible fine tuning of the universe for life ins necessary

this is a simulation

cristianity or design

Strong Universe is compelled for conscious live to emerge

Nick Bostrom´´s Trilema

Philosophical Zombies

World includes 2 kind of things




Moore´s law

Tech Improvement

Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking Medal
It doesn't make any difference if we know we are on a simulation
If this is true, how can we escape? if you are just a program, there is nothing that you can do
Imagine Creating a world for your own entertainment, and every time something weird happens in the world.. some disruptive leader takes charge, i wonder if that programmer just got bored. and has to throw somebody there for his entertainment, cause this happens every time , when peace reaches the world
Elon Musk Creative, Inventor , millionaire, philanthropist
Maybe we are on a simulation Right Now

Because we are able to create world on a computer, and if that simulation creates a simulation, if you have that power, you can fractal thinking. somebody already did it.

How do we know this havent passed on the past and we are not a game ourselves
40 years ago we have pong, now we have photo-realistic, multiplayer, VR, AR, if you assume any rate of improvement at all. the game will came indistinguishable from the reality, think 10,000 years in the future
Nick Bostrom Swedish philosopher
Trillemma Simulation Argument Realistic Simulations on Future

We are already on a simulation

Corollary, “Unless we are now living in a simulation,our descendants will almost certainly never run an ancestor simulation”

we lost interest on simulations, cause BORING, or ethical issues

we die before achieve that level