Kategorier: Alle - inclusion - diversity - culture - pedagogy

av Keyla Cruz 5 år siden


Ed312 Culture & Diversity

The role of a teacher extends beyond merely imparting knowledge to students; it involves nurturing a culturally responsive and inclusive learning environment. This entails understanding one'

Ed312 Culture & Diversity

Colors: red: not believe to be fully true Yellow: don't know/ questioning Green: Believe to be true Pink: Principle Purple: Doctrine Orange: LDs quotes , scriptures

Ed312 Culture & Diversity

Red: things that I believe to be false

Yellow: still wrestling with concept

Green: I believe to be true

Pink: Doctrine

Purple: Principle

What is the role of school in society?

SIOP: -preparation, -building background, -comprehensible input, - review and assessment. -strategies, -lesson delivery, - practice and application, -interaction
Tucker 5: 1. increase the development of a lesson. 2. increase the visual. 3. increase the kinesthetic. 4. increase oral communication between students. 5. Increase the monitoring of the lesson.
Food, fun, fiesta, focus on safe heroes, focus on individual differences.
to built the future leaders of our society.
Socio-political context of school will always affect the way that a schools are being manage. if parents and teachers don't care to fight for students education then they will not progress.
Symbolic Violence

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

Need to lose a part of you in order to live in America.
Deficit theories: theories about cultural deprivation and genetic inferiority. the b elif that some children , their families , their communities are inferior because of cultural or experiential differences
myths about immigration
Curriculum will not always meet the needs of our students. we need to work in different ways to follow curriculum but also meet their needs.
Pedagogy: teaching techniques
Schools need to be credible and with teachers who are going to motivate our students.
There is a curriculum and we need to follow that curriculum.

How do I Learn?

Applying principles into my own personal life.
By first becoming a multicultural person
Learn through past experiences or through experiences that have affected people around me

What is worth teaching?

There are melodies - David Archuleta there will be different student who come to this state that have a different form of communication. That is a different melody than ours. We need to learn to rest and help them.
establish and teach gospel principles- President Eyring
The love that our Heavenly Father has for each one of us.
The respect that each student needs. especially ELL
Prejudice: the attitudes and beliefs of individuals about entered groups of people.
Influences that we believe and act on them
Stereotypes are true and we need to believe them.
Keep an open mind , not everyone has the same opportunities.
Equal education implies we are giving every student the same and the equitable education provides students with what they need to achieve.
we live in country where we are surrounded by different cultures we need to teach our students to be welcoming and respectful.

What is my work as a learner & Teacher?

Culturally responsive: 1.Knowledge of self and others. 2. learning community. 3 Multicultural Curriculum. 4. Responsive pedagogy. 5. social justice and change.
bring minds to school not just their ability to regulate facts.
Differentiate instruction: 1. differentiate by content, learning environment , by product , by the learning preference.
Language objective: help students to know how to rad, written, and speak academically english.
The achievemt gap
If i help and set my classroom the right way then I will have the opportunity to help every single one of my students. I will reach their needs and not have an achievement gap.

self- fulfilling prophesy: student will perform based on what I expect from them

al students deserve a chance at an equitable and high-quality education

MCE is the diversity of different social , economic ,and culture backgrounds. Different environments.
Mce is not just ethic studies , is not just reading about different cultures, is not catering to different cultures is nor just 5 f's .
Being inclusive

Educere: to lead out. Preparing a new generation for the changes to come. readying them to create solutions for the changes to come.

To tolerate, accept , respect , affirmation , solidarity , and critique.

How do I view and Magnify those I teach?

Become a part of your own learning
Everyone plays a piece. - David Archuleta we are
2 nephew 28:30 " Line upon line, precept upon precept
What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?

Gardners five minds for the future: 1. disciplined mind. 2. synthesizing mind. 3. creative mind. 4. respectful minds. 5 ethical mind.

Parents blocking children from interacting with other because of social and cultural background.

As member of the church we want to protect and guide our children in the right path, but sometimes we block them from exploring other cultures and meeting other people.


family relations and communication

Family prayer, activities, and conversation can build a united and eternal family.

Educare To train and too mold. the preservation and passing down of knowledge and the shaping of youths in the image of their parents.

Elder rober. P Backman," The young people of the church and about the challenges they face in growing up in this world in which we live, he expressed hi sleep concern about the fact that some of them could go through primary , Sunday Schoo, Mutual , priesthood quorums, and seminary and come our the other end without testimonies"

"Share with parents of youth what you are teaching. Counsel with them to learn about the needs of the young people in your class and the best ways to help meet those needs. You could communicate with parents through regular emails or text messages, or you may want to meet with them from time to time."

Attention in how students are doing academically. Help if needed.

Provide time and love for family.


Repent quickly if we say hard things to our family in order to be forgiven through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Poverty and security

Food stamps should not be provided for everyone.

linguistic: discrimination based specifically on language.

Parents from different social and cultural backgrounds work hard to provide of students. We need to understand what parents do in order to help students. Parents work hard for their kids success.

We are not a box that we can check what race we are. Our culture has a lot of wonderful things that we need to be proud of.

be a teacher who guide and help students
Be a teacher with emotions and passion not just going through the motions. Effort to make a connection w/ students
Words have surprising power, both hold up and can tear down
D&C 11:21 " seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word" We need to prepare and not go through manuals thinking we could teach something w/ out preparation
God has given us many gifts, diversity, and many differences , but the essential things is what we know about each other. " The fruits" same finish point different journey.
We are all one in Christ.

Who am I and what motivates me?

There is a purpose and we all have a role! - David Archuleta
" Learning to act in accordance with one's faith in Christ is fundamental to enjoy deep , life changing learning. The power we access by acting in faith that is focused on the savior allows us to exceed our natural limits and learn beyond our natural capabilities"
Understand where my students come from and how I can help them meet their needs.
Definition: in education refers to the disparity in academic performance between groups of students. The achievement shows up in grades , standardized -test scores , course drop out rates etc.

Influenced by socio-cultural and school related factors

We teach who we are
Discrimination damages the power of learning and teaching students.
Free and public education
Equal education. Segregation separate but equal.