av April Soni 5 år siden
Environmental Education Mind Map
The text explores the multifaceted approach to education that emphasizes sustainability and transformative learning. It underscores the importance of systems thinking and the integration of various subjects and disciplines to cultivate open-mindedness and critical thinking among students.
Environmental Education Inquiry An effective community of learners Problem based learning Learning process skills and content Questions important to the students lead the learning Changes to role of teacher to coach/facilitator/co-learner Character Development Sharing Responsibility for Learning with Students Self-aware of emotions and habits of mind Group knowledge building Experience deep democracy Students as 'citizen learners' Differentiated learning/program choice Open-ended, rich learning tasks Respectful listening Systems Thinking Real-World Connections Case studies Students communicating with an audience beyond of the classroom Community school partnerships Hands-on experience Sources of information (texts, surveys, measurements, monitoring, online sources, interviews) Citizenship Integrated Learning An inter-connected worldview Seeing the complexity of issues Using appropriate expectations from all subjects A focus on big ideas Differentiation A theme approach A literature approach Student-led inquiry Project-based learning Learning Locally Teacher field-based pedagogical skills Nature's annual cycle of events Learning outside of the classroom Regional settings and wilderness settings Nearby built and natural areas Schoolyards and neighbourhoods Transformative Learning Creativity Critical Thinking Acting on Learning Influencing government Cultural exploration and expression Student empowerment in school functioning (waste reduction, energy conservation, naturalized landscaping, food sourcing) Schools 'walk the talk' Engaging in the action process and reflecting on the results of actions Studying the actions of others Authentic improvement of the community (social, environmental, economic) Student Engagement Sustainability Considering alternative perspectives Provide additional solutions to problems Different subjects and disciplines Juxtaposing cultural differences Identify minority views Uncover hidden values Developing open-mindedness Creating an emotionally safe learning environment Group Knowledge Building Individual Knowledge Consolidation