av Patrick Curry 12 år siden
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Title: Customer Name (or Group) & Circular Name (ex. Nybergs Ace Fall into Savings) (see IssuuScreenshot.png)
Description: same as above
Web name: same / see example (ex. nybergs_fallintosavings)
Keywords: same / see example (ex. nybergs, ace fall into savings)
Info Link: blank
Type: Other
Child-safe: Yes
Publish date: Year-Month-Day (ex. 2012-10-02)
Category: Other
Language: English
Target area: North America
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Size: Custom 1200px X 750px
Add ACE logo (size 5 x 5)
Click on logo link in guide > Copy code (at top) to Logo Graphics field
For Ace circulars, use: http://www.footstepsblog.com/files/u1/issuu_logo.png
For McLendon Hardware, use: http://www.mclendons.com/files/u1/issuu_logo.png
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PC Acrobat: Print to PDF > Check AutoRotate > Choose PDF size > Check custom when needed.
Mac Acrobat: View Pages > Page Tools > Select Crop Pages > type in number of pages (will crop each page to exact size). Flatten: Advanced > Print Production > Flatten Preview (set to # of pgs). Reduce File Size: Document > Reduce File Size. * This may make the file too small & too grainy for upload).
Mac PS: Size all Pages > Save As > Uncheck Layers > PDF > Optimize for Fast Web Preview.
Save As > name based on Store Name/ Sale/ Circular Name (flattened version).
Website CMS
Adobe BC
File Editor
Text Editor
FSM is a representative of the store;
Ace Corporate Intranet Site: Ace Brand Place: Email Marketing for the dealers; help send an ABP email on the stores behalf; FSM can then capture the email subscriber list, download in spreadsheet and then help get it uploaded into our system, MyEmma;
FSM accesses AceNet to check on circurlars, etc.
Adobe Business Catalyst (BC)
WordPress (WP)
WordPress is also a world known open source CMS; built originally as a blog; has grown to be a web platform; not so easy to built a commercial website; but really easy to add content once it is built (we have two sites built on WP: thehelpfulhub and the retailler login for RMAS.
Buzzr Drupal
Buzzr Drupal was supposed to be an easy to develop, easy to manage user interface built on top of Drupal;
BTM Drupal
Drupal is an open-source CMS, free download to the world; largest open source CMS in the world; very sophisticaled, complex, difficult user level admin
GB - Group Basic no hourly services, $95/month
$95 No Services
Pro Plus
$500+ 4 - 7 Hours
$345 - $445 2.5 Hours
$195/$225, 1 Hour
Non-retail clients
Typically non-retails customers in Roaring Fork Valley
Sprorting Goods/General Stores
HTI Customers
Hardware Co-op
DoItBest Hardware
True Value Hardware
ACE Hardware
Dealer, Retailer Coop, stores individually owned and operated buy share in Ace Corporate profits;
Ace Region
TR - Tropical
DS - Deep South
CA - California
SO - South
NR - North
Advertising Group
Central Washington (CWART)
NW - Northwest
Detroit Ace Retail Team (DART)
Detroit Website: http://www.acehardwaremi.com/
Houston Group (CHARG)
Houston Group Site: http://www.acehardwaretexas.com/
Rocky Mountain Ace (RMAS)
RMAS Group Website
Represent over 100 retailers in Co, Wy, UT, NM. Majority are located in Denver metro area, Front Range;
Retailer contribute on a monthly basis, RMAS aggregates funds and produces regional ad campaigns.
Some of the FSM customers opt out of the RMAS Dream and Send (Ace Brand Place, AceNet) and use the FSM hosted listed for a store specific email campaign.
Cherry Hills Ace
Green Mountain Ace
Aspen Ace
National Retail Hardware Association
HTI Buying Group
Worldwide Distributors