Kategorier: Alle - hábito - planificación - ambiente - productividad

av Gabriel Montoya 4 år siden



Los hábitos de estudio son conductas repetitivas que desempeñan un papel crucial en el éxito académico. Históricamente, filósofos antiguos ya reconocían la importancia del hábito en el desarrollo humano.



Type in your name

Favorece a los hábitos de estudio.

Personal skills

Skills can be truly valuable when it comes to convincing a potential employer. Along with work experience and education, your skills will help the employer get a better understanding of your interests and values.

Encontrar su método persona, ajustada al tiempo y las capacidades.
Evitar posturas cómodas.
Espalda recta y los materiales a la mano.
Iluminación natural, evitar las luces artificiales de manera directa.
Evitar lugares cerrados, estar con una ventana abierta o semiabierta.

Specify any other skills which you believe qualify you for the position you are applying.

Un lugar sin frío ni calor excesivo.


These skills enhance your interactions, job performance and career prospects. Soft skills are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace, and relate to a person's ability to interact effectively with coworkers and customers.

team playerflexibilitygood communication skillsproblem-solving skillscreative thinkingconfidenceOther
Tacho de basura y reloj.
Horario de clases.
Silla, a la misma altura de la mesa.
Materiales de la asignatura a estudiar.
Mesa, indispensable para estudiar.

Computer skills you master

Companies are becoming more and more dependent on technology, so your computer skills can easily increase your chances of getting a job that requires such skills. Specify the types of computer skills you master.

Música (solo el fondo) para evitar ruidos exteriores que sean molestos.
Llegar a un acuerdo con las personas que se comparte el lugar.
El ambiente.

Your language skills can play an increasingly important role in the workplace.

Specify what languages you know

taking into consideration the levels of understanding, speaking and writing.

Espacio con el material necesario y libre de distracciones.

Efectos positivos.

Great opportunity to showcase your personality to potential employers.
What activities (outside of work) do you enjoy most?

joggingsoccerreadingswimmingflying kitesyogaikebanafootballtennisgolfgardeningOther
Nivel psicológico.

What activities (outside of work) do you enjoy most?

joggingsoccerreadingswimmingflying kitesyogaikebanafootballtennisgolfgardening
Hábitos cada vez mejores.
Mejorar los conocimientos.
Nivel orgánico.
Aumenta la productividad.
Mayor rapidez.
Ahorro de energía.


Work ethic and habits

This section will give the potential employer a glimpse into your work ethic and habits. Having another professional speak on your behalf is vital for your job search.

Tener tiempo para nosotros.
Reducir estrés y ansiedad.
Distribuir mejor el tiempo.
Reducir las horas a una sola tarea.
Disminuir las repeticiones.
Puedes aprender más temas.

Type in the name of the professional who refers you.

Hábito de estudio.

Work experience

This is one of the most important sections in your curriculum vitae. Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.

Monedero, Castejón, Montanés y García.
Ayuda a reconocer el éxito y fracaso escolar.
Influyen en el rendimiento escolar.
Una buena herramienta para medir el éxito académico.
Crearlos lleva voluntad y motivación.

What industry does the company or institution belong to?

advertisingtourismagriculturecomputer hardware manufacturerspetroleumOther
Modo de como se enfrenta al quehacer académico.

Specify your work experience

Start with the most recent period.
Example: Jul 2013 - Jun 2016.

Conductas de un estudiante, se da de forma regular y repetitiva.

Name of the company or institution where you last worked or where you are currently working.

GoogleProcter & GambleTescoWal - MartToyotaIBMKPMGMcDonald'sOther


Educational background

Present your educational background in order to highlight your ability to learn and apply information, and achieve a variety of tasks and goals.

Antiguos filósofos.
La naturaleza humana, se enriquece y se perfecciona con el hábito.
Dollard & Miller.

Specify the study period

Start with the most recent at the top.
Example: Sep 2009 - Jun 2013.

Adquirida por la experiencia.

Specific courses you attended

List specific courses that you find relevant for the requirements of the position you are applying for.

Art, Design and Public DomainDevelopmental PsychologyAnalytic TrigonometryElementary SpanishCreative WritingOther
Puede aparecer y desaparecer.

What was the degree or certificate you received at graduation?

Master of Arts/ Science inBachelor of Arts/ Science inLicensed Practical NurseDoctor of PhilosophyOther
Asociación aprendida entre estimulo y respuesta.

Name of the educational institution

Type in the name of the educational institution you have attended.

Harvard UniversityUniversity of OxfordPrinceton High SchoolNotre-Dame International High SchoolLa Escuela Preparatoria de BarcelonaOther


Contact information

Any CV or résumé needs to contain your contact information. This way, recruiters can get in touch with you.

Tendencia a repetir acciones en situaciones similares.

Type in your mobile phone number.