av kellyanne fontaine 10 år siden
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1.pain on one side or both sides of face and head, consistent rhythmic throbbing ,difficulty thinking concentrating ,disrupted motor coordination,
MRI - magnetic field and radio waves produce images of the blood vessels
Lumbar puncture -checking for infection or bleed , needle into the spine aspirating cerebralspinal fluid for analysis . beware that the side effects can be a very extreme headache
reasons for getting a LP1st or steady worsenting , Severe rapid onset progressively getting worse
if you answer yes to altelast 2 you have a form of miograne headache
has this headache been limiting your activities for the last 3 months or longer
do you feel nausea or stomach when you have a headache
do you find that the light bothers you ?
pain level -1-10
describe the pain ? heavy throbbing stabbing constant location things that make it worse or better
observe for nonnverbal cles of pain -posture restlessness / grimacing crying diaphresis (sweating ) HR increase breathing rapid
Join a gym, seting a walk plan , meditaite, joing a group
money ? is this an issues ? Is there a way that a budget could be made to stream line and to purchase a healthier diet pand
what is causing the stress ? can it be eliminated or modified. COuld councleling work to empower them to remove the stress
food/diet/hydration/meds/vitamins /suppletments
growing a garden , or joining a foodshare group, or community garden . Sharing meal preperations with freinds doing potlucks .
discuss food portions and the types of processed diet taht they eat ? how much water do they get? Maybe a med review could be in order if they are oon some kind of hormone therapy? what vitamins could they take , or supplemetns .
alternative choices
ride your bike to work once a week instead of the care or take the bus .
green tea , oolong tea chamomile - careful if pregnant can cause miscarriages, low birht wts, decrease in growth to fetus , can make astha attack worse
Accupunture - the insertion of thin needles into energy median on the basis that the tract are blocked
massage therapy
Is considered a proactive and active treatment. It enhances optimum levels of relaxation= realxe muscles/spasms and pressure point triggers , lowers the chances of a stress induced migrane
Cognitive behavioural therapy
this is a transportable treatment that can be done by the patient anywhere. No side effects . Keepin in mind the gate theory . Negative thoughts and emotions =gate open =increase in pain . Possitive thought s and emotions = closed gate=decrease in pain .Our pain is influeneced by our emotions and actions and thoguths. No side effects
Vitamin B-2
Riboflavin , enhances a component substance ta the body need to create energy production. help in the growth and developmetn of red blood cells
Co enzyme 10
helps with cell function, repairs damaged cells , helps to create energy
Magnesium suppletment s
helps relax the muscles
bio feed back _ technique to learn how to control your own body functions based on info from electrodes and how it is interpreted ..It helps narrow specific situations behaviors or thoguhts and allow the patients to recognize thougths and behaviours and how it influences their body symptoms. Therefore a form of mind over matter
thermal biofeedback- measures skin temp
electromyography - measures muscle tension
neurofeedback - measures brainwave activity
most effective 15 minutes after first symptom
abortive medications are specifically for compete and effective migraine treatment. They can be sued to prevetn the attack or stop the attack during the prodromal stage .
Prevvent attack can be given during th prodroal stage to stop proceeding .
Means of taking - can be given via inject to thigh , wafer melt on tongue,nasal spray, As of 2013 Sumatiptan is now available as a patch
Ergot Alkaloids - acts a s a vasoconstrictor of the carotid arteries. These types of meds have a sertonegic effect , which means that it stimulates the serotonin levels in the brain. Sufferer tend to have lower levels of serotonin
means of taking - injection , sublingual , or rectally
Black box warning - do not mix ergotamine and CYP3A4 inhibitors = cerebral ischemia . Could cause a thombus teratogentic warning - could cause premature contractions=miscarriage , fetal distress,
triptans are a type of medications that are targeted to affect the chemial seratonin which is usually low in migrane sufferse. It narrows the blood vessels reieving the swelling
means of taking triptans -tablets, injectables,nasal spray
Sumatriptan (Imitrex) Sumatriptan/Naproxen (Treximet) Zolmitriptan (Zomig) Eletriptan (Relpax) Naratriptan (Amerge) Rizatriptan (Maxalt) Frovatriptan (Frova) Almotriptan (Axert)
do not use more than 2x daily, and do not use more than 3 x in a week
Types of meds that are prophalactic( preventaive types)Beta-blockers propanalol,Toprol ,metoprolol, which relax blood vessels Calcium channel blockers- Cardizem (dilatizem) and verapamil, which reduce the amount of narrowing of the blood vessels Antidepressants- amitriptyline and nortriptyline ,tricyclic antidepressants Anticonvulsants -Depakote ,valproic acid,Topamax Botox (botulinum toxin), which can be injected in small quantities around the face and scap
means of taking prophalactic- most of them are oral
Cluster headaches are rare , they are severely painful , the come in cylces of clusters, last weeks to months that are followed by periods of remission.
Mixed headaches are a combination of tension headaches and migraines. it is believed that the migraine starts first causing the tension in the muscles causing the tension headache as well. This class has symptoms of both can last up to 72 hours from dull to throb and mild to severe pain. Activity tends to make it worse. It used to be called mixed headache syndrome
Sinus headache is cause by usually an inflammation in the sinus cavities in the brain. It is a buildup of fluid that causes te pressure on the membranes that causes the pain .
Migraine Is a recurrent throbbing that is severe affecting one side of the head usually followed with nausea , disturbed vision usually preceded by sensory warnings
4 phases of a migraine
postdromal phase after the storm . Not feel well up to a day after .tires quicly and sluggish , lethargic and confused
s/s fatigue. lowered intellect levels. lowered mood levels, especially depression, or feelings of well-being and euphoria. poor concentration and comprehension.
attack phase - migraine actually begins. Can last for hours or days. Pain above the eyes . Throughout the head, intense throb increase pain with exercise or exertion, very sensitive to light
s/sThrobbing pain Pain behind one of your eyes. Moderate to very bad pain. Pain so intense you can't do your normal things Pain that gets worse with routine physical activity. Nausea, vomiting, or both. Pain that gets worse when you e experience noise and smells
If you have some of these symptoms check with yoru dr. you might be having tia
dr 911Problems speaking. Tingling in your face, arms, and shoulders. Short-term weakness on one side of your body.
Aura Phase- no real migrane yet, Strange sensations , vision changes , flickering lights, imagine past, hallucinations, skin sensations like pins and needles , diffulty with communication
aura usully starts 30 minutes before migraine starts . Visions ; spots, wavy lines, or flashing lights .
Prodromal phase - Early warning signs ,prior to migrane unusual sensations , crave certain foods certain triggers .
s/s you experience being Depressed or cranky. Very happy, very awake, or full of energy. Restless or nervous. Very sleepy. Thirsty or hungry,Or you may not feel like eating.
migrane risk factors
Increased levels of C-reactive protein( blood marker for information if there is an inflammation in the blood in the arteries marker for upcoming heart issues ) Increased levels of interleukins( auto immunie and inflammation Increased levels of TNF-alph (tumor necrosis factor is a marker that the acute phase of the inflammation process has started ) Oxidative stress and thrombosis Increased body weight High blood pressure Hypercholesterolemia Impaired insulin sensitivity High homocysteine levels Stroke Coronary heart disease
oxiative stress = imbalance of freee radicals( are oxygen molecules that have more than one electron=very reative to other molecules . So if they react with DNAor lipids or proteins molecules =unstable = major free radicals .
Antioxideants - they can give up a molecule to the radical and still be stable and have no damage doen to the cell
homocysteine level -
Poor diet, lifestyle, social standing