Kategorier: Alle - substance - expectations - myths - media

av Shayna Wakefield 6 år siden


Health Culminating

Sexual decision-making is shaped by various factors, including how effectively individuals communicate their limits and intentions. Clear communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and discomfort in sexual interactions.

Health Culminating


Personal Saftey and Injury Prevention

Conflict Resolution
Agressive communication
Passive Communication
How to handle a conflict with people in your life
Skills and stratagies that could improve or reduce conflict


Open mind: Keeping an open mind to certain conflicts and situations can help you improve conflict situations and resolve them quicker.

Respect: Have respect for your peers and the people around you. This is a good communication skill because respect is great to have during daily conversations, especially during conflict.

Controlling emotions during conflict. This skill can help reduce anger/sadness/violence etc. during conflict. This would be effective as it can reduce the level/ severity of the conflict and help resolve it quicker.

Seeing from others point of view. This is a good communication skill, and has to do with viewing a situation from another persons point of view, AKA, walking in another persons shoes. This can be effective as it can help change someones view in a way they have never seen it before.

How to be assertive

You can be assertive by saying no when appropriate, stay calm and respect others, understand the benefits of assertive communication, use appropriate body language, express your feelings in a respectful way to both yourself as well as others.

How to resolve conflict with others

Workout a plan to solve conflict

Talk about the situation with the person directly

Getting support (consoler, teacher, guidance, admin)

Taking a break from the conversation/situation

Do escalistion techniques

How to resolve conflict internally

Go on a walk

Work/ distraction

Talking with a friend/ trusted adult


Journal Writing


Factors that affect your mental health
Making healthy choices
The ability to use coping skills
Clear sense of self
Personal characteristics
Having a clean environment
Having a sense of purpose
Feeling safe
Giving boundaries and expectations
Having a supportive family, trusted adults, and friends
Having a supportive network
Adapt and cope with stress
Maintain fulfilling relationships
Engage in productive daily activity
Balance in life
Risky Teen Behaviour
TEENAGE DRINKING Risks of teenage alcohol abuse: Health and safety, injury is the most likely effective (for example falls, vehicle accidents and assaults) but you can overdose on alcohol as well. Legal- Alcohol contributes to criminal behaviour such as assaults, property damage, disorderly or offensive behaviour, and drunk driving. Social: Problems can range from losing friends because of the way you act when you are drunk, to not being able to pay bills because of excessive spending on alcohol. Short term consequences: Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Breathing Difficulties Long Term Consequences: Unintentional injuries such as car crash, falls, burns, drowning Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, sexual assault, domestic violence Increased on the job injuries and loss of productivity Alcohol poisioning High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart related dieseses

Human Development and Sexual Health

Advantages and disadvantages relating to dating in the digital era

Constantly talking on social media could result in the 2 individuals in the relationship to get sick of each other due to the constant contact.

Could result in teens ending their relationship due to possible drama on social media

No privacy in relationships, when you post things online other people can easily follow and constantly be involved in your relationship.

People can present themselves differently online than how they actually act in person

More online interaction with your partner rather than face to face could reduce how special it is when you actually get to see them.


You can learn new things about a person that they may have been shy to say to you in person, so they may feel more comfortable to say it over social media.

Creates the ability to have good communication with your significant other (as well as your parents when you go out) this can also build trust

Great way to meet new people as well as maintain a relationship with people you are already close to

You can build a connection with someone online first before actually hanging out in person

You can talk to your significant other whenever you want/ when it is needed

Myths and misconseptions relating to sexuality
You can receive help or advice from a doctor or a health care professional you trust, as well from a trusted adult. Also, you can find some help on reliable sources online.
Personally, I feel as if women are more at risk of STI'S. I feel this way because for woman there are only non-condom forms of birth control. On the other hand, condoms protect men directly from STI'S. Although women form of protection is good for preventing pregnancy, it is not efficient in the protection of STI'S.
Ways that teens can possibly dispel myths related to sexuality are talk to a health care about the myth you are concerned about, research the myth go trusted sources, and ask a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, counsolour, etc.
Some interesting myths (some being true) that are related to sexuality are... 1. I would know if I had an STI (MYTH) This is a myth due to the symptoms of STI'S are not always obvious and the signs and symptoms of STI's are very mild and may appear days, weeks, or months after being infected, or you could possibly have no symptoms at all 2. All STI'S are curable (Myth) Not all STI'S are curable 3. I can get an STI from a toilet seat (FACT) STI's are usually spread through skin to skin sexual contact or by coming in contact with infected body fluids during vaginal and anal sex 4. Yeast infections can be transmitted from women to men (FACT) It is possible for a yeast infection to be transmitted from women to men. A yeast infection is is the inflammation of the vagina caused by the overgrowth of a fungus 5. Before a girl has her first period she can become pregnant (FACT) This can occur due to woman ovaries can produce an egg prior to the onset of her first period
Learning about STD'S
Some valuable advice to think about regarding STI'S would be to.. !. Make sure to always use a condom 2. Try to stay away from sexual actions while under the influence. You could make bad decisions and forget a condom or do things with someone you may not know, and you wouldn't know that they could be carrying. 3. Washing before and after intercourse could prevent an STI
The only way to completely prevent STI'S is to abstain from all forms of sexual activity.
The only form of birth control that can reduce a persons risk of getting an STI is by using a condom every time (or a dental dam when a girl is receiving oral sex.
STD'S are not only spread through the form of sexual intercourse, they can also be spread in ways such as through skin to skin contact with an infected area or sore, and they can enter the body through tiny tears in the mouth, anus, and genitals.
Some severe permanent damage STD'S can cause are things such as infertility and death
The definition of an STD: Sexually transmitted dieseses AKA STD'S are infections that can be passed around through sexual contact and/or unprotected sexual activity, and have life threatening consequences (death, blood problems)
Factors that influence sexual decision making
Substance use can influence sexual decision making because when someone is impaired they could have an altered judgement and do things that they ay regret in the future. You can prevent situations like these by making judgements about certain situations where an individual may be impaired and saying no to another person if you feel as if they are to under the influence to judge the situation for themselves
Myths and norms related to Sexual activity or safer sex practices relate to a factor that influences sexual decision making because some methods (such as the pull out method) may be believed by some, and not believed by others. So, someone who may believe in the method could attempt to convince you to beilve in a method that could quite possibly be not a good method to believe in.
Media messages can influence sexual decision making due to sex is shown and expressed in media greatly and could be seen as well as heard by younger generations more often, therefore, causing younger individuals who may not be ready, to engage in sexual activity quicker than they would have originally been ready for if it were not as for the influence of media and music.
Peer and family expectations can impact an individuals sexual decision making due to if someones peers are engaging in sexual activity someone may feel as if they should as well. Also, if a persons family actively voices their opinion either negative or positive, it can influence another persons opinion on certain matter.
Being aware and respecting the lists of others, making sure you know how far the other person is willing to go, and respecting their limits is important because making sure you are respecting another persons limits is a big deal and can prevent them to later feel regretful and upset due to sexual relations with you.
Communication of limits, knowing how far you are willing to go and communicating this with another person is important because if you have poor communication with another individual it can leave someone uncomfortable and unsure what you are willing to do with them

Physical Activity and Fitness

Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours

Emotional, Financial and Social impact of drug use
SOCIAL: Addiction can cause a large amount of strain on someones relationships with peers, family, and friends, When a person becomes addicted to something, it consumes them. This could cause the result of the person pushing away the people they love as they can become moody and angry. Also, the addicted individual could struggle financially, and could be unable to get their next fix, causing them to do anything including fighting with friends as well as family to get what they want.
FINANCIAL: Drug addiction is costly and is one of the most expensive habits out there. Addiction can create poverty in future generations. For example, due to a parents addiction their child may not receive good education and could possibly struggle themselves in the future with budgeting and time management. The children could also begin to mimic their guardians habits and start to develop habits themselves. Substance addiction is expensive no matter what the habit, and can put a substantial dent in someones bank account.
EMOTIONAL: Drugs can cause a critical decline in an individuals positive emotions. When a person abuses drugs and alcohol, their whole view on life changes and shift to one that is on the opposite spectrum of happy and positive. These people can adopt a very stale, negative, outlook on life, and as the drug use progresses, these feelings only intensify. Drugs can also cause an individual to have a low sense of self worth AKA self esteem. This is caused by the drug addiction proving to the addict how little control they have over themselves after becoming addicted. Also, drug use can cause an individual if they decide to sober up, to be left with PTSD. This can haunt an individual for decades even after they beat the addiction.
Cognitive impact of drug use
The high from drugs/ the pleasure effect is the feeling individuals get when using. Drugs of abuse for example nicotine, cocaine, marajauana, etc, affect this reward part of the brain. This part of the brain is stimulated by releasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine being/ creating a feeling of pleasure, and when drugs are involved they take control of this and flood the system, creating the high effect. There is an effect to drugs called the "repeat effect". After repeated drug use, the brain begins adjusting to the frequent dopamine releases. This causing the natural dopamine receptors in the brain to start releasing less natural dopamine. As a result of this, the ability to feel any pleasure without the drug is reduced. An individual can begin to feel flat, lifeless, depressed, and unable to enjoy the things they once thought brought pleasure. Causing them to now NEED the drugs to up their dopamine content.
There are 2 known ways that drugs work and impact the brain. 1. Imitating the brains natural chemical messengers. 2. Overstimulating the brains "reward circuit".
Drugs can either be smoked, injected, consumed, etc. In all 'of these ways the drugs tap in to our brains communication system and have ways of messing with the way that the brains nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Different drugs due to the way they are chemically developed and made, work differently on the effects on the brain.
Physical effects of drugs on your health

Drivers that drink heavily can increase crash rates when alcohol is involved by 17 times, between the ages of 16-20 years old

Sedatives can cause slowing heart rate at a dangerous, deathly level


Chewing tobacco can cause rotting

Certain chemicals can cause cancer within the mouth

Tar from tobacco is a sticky substance that can build up on the teeth as well as tounge


Chemicals can cause the the heart to stop all together, also known as flatlining

Heart attack rates increased, drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine can constrict blood vessels and cause the heart to beat irregularly, also these drugs increase heart disease.


Lung Irritation

Smokers have increased breathing problems, such as always being out of breath

Smoking cigarettes has been linked to 90% of all cases connected to lung cancer. Can cause life long respiratory problems and diseases


Wrinkles (can be caused by the nicotine in cigarettes), early aging of the skin.

Heavy users of methamphetamine can develop acne, dull skin, and self inflicted wounds caused by picking at their faces and bodies to relieve the feelings of insects crawling under their skin

Breakouts, certain drugs can cause stimulation to the skins oil glands

HALLUCINIGENIC: An experience involving an apparent perception of something that is not present
DRUG USE: Someone who occasionally uses drugs but is not considered addicted to the drug
FUNCTIONAL DRUG USE: An individual that uses drugs but can still succeed in doing everyday tasks
DRUG ABUSE: Compulsive, excessive, and self-damaging use of drugs or substances that can cause harm.
DRUG ADDICT: An individual who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug
DRUG: A drug is a medicine or any other substance that has a physiological effect when injected or otherwise introduced in to the body

Healthy Eating and Fitness

Canadas Food Guide Recommendations
Everyone should consume food from each group every day
As an individual grows older, boys should eat the same or more in each food group then woman
Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with little or no added fat or salt
Eat at least 2 food guide servings a week
Make at least half of your daily grain intake whole grain each day
Eat at least one dark green vegetable and orange vegetable every day
Questionsble nutrition trends
The juice diet
Water only diet (water cleanse)
Cabbage soup diet
The Raw food diet
Effects on lack of proper nutrition
Tooth decay
No energy or drive to complete daily tasks
Eating disorders
Weight problems
Brittle, dry hair
Benefits of good nutrition
Can improve muscle and bone health
Can improve your mental well-being
Improves your body ability to fight off and prevent illnesses (colds, flu, etc.)
Control of weight
Improve sleep
Reduces the risk of health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, stroke)
Influence on food choices
Time management (fast food)

People who are constantly on the go may lean more towards fast food because it is quicker than preparing a meal at home

Emotion/ Stress

Some individuals eat too much or don't eat at all due to excessive amounts of stress


Cultures tend to have certain food dishes they can and cannot eat during certain times of the year, or possibly all year round

Taste buds, food preferences

Some people have cravings for unhealthy foods and would prefer unhealthy options over healthy options

Availibility of the food

There is availability in other countries of some foods and some are not available in others

The cost of the food

Healthy food tends to be more expensive than a bag of chips or a frozen food meal, so this could result in someone choosing the cheaper offer due to financial issues.

10 barriers to physical activity
Discouraged by friends or family
Time management
Weight (to small, to large)
Unsafe environment
Self image
Not wearing or owning the proper attire and/or equipment
People around
Factors that affect your enjoyment of fitness
Look for apps that could help you workout
Avoid pushing yourself too hard or too fast
Reward yourself
Wear the proper attire and equipment
Track your results
Take advantage of your strengths
Work out with friends
Don't compare yourself to others