av Sander Rosøy 15 år siden
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Stuff about hitlers domestic policy
Germany tried to stay Self-Sufficient by having more exports and reducing imports and making sure that they could produce as much as possible within Germany so they did not have to rely on other peeps
Religion was hard to get rid off, however they managed to come to a deal that churches would stay if they just kept quiet.
However Hitler OWNED them since religion was no longer taught in school, and therefore religion no longer had much signifcant meaning to people, however there were of course still religious people, just not as many.
The education changed into a place for boys to get fit and Girls to get babies.
It was made sure all the teaching material supported the Aryan race and that it was against the jews.
As Hitler wanted only the Aryan race, the girls were to go to the League of German Maidens where they were taught how to raise children and all that!
The boys were inportant in Hitlers new regime as he wanted them to become Aryan warrior. therefore he had all boys join the Hitler Youth at age 14
Everything in the media was controlled by Goebbles in his Propaganda Ministry thing which prevented thousands of books to be published and Felix Mendelsson and Gustav Mahlers music was removed. It made everything support the Nazi idology
another yeah