Kategorier: Alle - education - social - family - prevention

av Alfonso Sigifredo Flores Cortez 3 år siden


How to prevent drug use

Educating children and adolescents on protective factors is vital in preventing drug use. Protective factors include personal and social characteristics that help individuals effectively handle risk situations and reduce vulnerability.

How to prevent drug use

How to prevent drug use

Where do I find help?

If your friend isn't willing to go to a support group, try suggesting a confidential telephone service such as DirectLine. When someone you care about is trapped in addiction, it affects you, too. Family Drug Help provides support and information to family members and friends of someone with an addiction.

What other addictions are there?

There are so many other addictions in the world such as: Behavioral addictions: gambling, sex, work, Internet, sects, religion, relationships (codependency). Ingestion (chemical) addictions: alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, marijuana, opium, sedatives and hypnotics, amphetamines, ecstasy and heroin.

drug addiction is curable?

Yes and here are some very helpful treatments detox. behavioral orientation. medication (for addiction to opioids, tobacco, or alcohol) evaluation and treatment of co-occurring mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. long-term follow-up to avoid relapse

Is addiction treatment the same for men as it is for women?

Unlike the US programs, the distribution of men (47%) and women (53%) who are served in our unit are similar. This last result may be influenced by the fact that the Comprehensive Care Program for Sick Physicians (PAIME) promotes, especially, the voluntary request for help in preventing the problems that mental and addictive disorders can generate in professional practice.

What role do personal and family values play in preventing drug use?

The family is considered the central axis in the child development process, since it is the closest and most immediate environment to the child. In addition, it acts as a mediator before the rest of the social and educational environments in which it operates. That is why we can affirm that the influence exercised by the family is dominant especially throughout childhood and that it can last a lifetime. This is the reason why we must be careful and be consistent with our actions since in the same way that the family is given the attribute of being the main protective environment against drug use, it can also become a risk environment in adverse conditions.

what is resilience?

It is a virtue that consists of overcoming and adapting to adverse moments, with the confidence that you will get ahead despite everything. There are many events that can affect you emotionally: a love break, financial difficulties, failed projects, among others.

What are social abilities?

All social ability is a behavior or type of thinking that leads to solving a social situation effectively, that is, acceptable to the subject himself and to the social context in which he is.

what is school attachment?

One of the protective factors against drug use is School Attachment. ... Interest in school refers to all those attitudes, ideas and behaviors that allow the student to assume himself as an active and important member of the school community.

what is assertiveness?

It is about making the other person see how they are behaving and showing them how they could behave assertively. Example: “The more you get angry, the more you yell and, at the same time, you don't listen to me and the harder it is for me to express myself… Why don't you stop for a moment and first listen to what I want to say to you?

What are the protective factors in drug use?

When we speak of protective factors, we refer to the personal and social characteristics or capacities that strengthen people to be able to successfully face risk situations, specifically those of drug use. That is, those that make individuals less vulnerable. With the detection of protective factors and the possibility of promoting them in people through education and example, the key to good prevention has been found. It is not necessary to be an expert in prevention, it is only necessary to assume the reins of our educational function. Since most of the protective factors are educable, that is, they can be easily taught to children and adolescents.