Kategorier: Alle - benefits - vision - success - motivation

av Thomas Juli 12 år siden


i-Sparks Inspiration Map

This MVP Questionnaire is a tool designed to help individuals and teams organize and refine their project ideas. It starts by addressing the motivation behind the project, which is crucial for understanding the driving force and ensuring alignment throughout the project'

i-Sparks Inspiration Map

Template to structure your ideas for inspiration -> visit www.i-sparks.net for more information

This MVP Questionnaire helps you put your ideas and resulting project into perspective.

You can start your MVP at any place, i.e., first define your Motivation, then Vision followed by Project Objectives. Or you may already have a good idea of a project; in this case the Questionnaire helps you clarify your Motivation and the overall Vision and direction of your project.

The 5 Why's helps you dig deeper into your motivation and vision. While it is not mandatory it facilitates identifying the driver of your project. This helps you and give others a much better idea what is behind your problem, idea, project. Ideally, others can identify with your MVP, too. This would be a critical success factor for securing necessary support to finetune your project and build a winning and performing project team.

In planning your project make sure that it always is in sync with your MVP.

In case you have any questions, send an email to info@i-sparks.com and an i-Sparks coach will contact you.

III. Project Objective(s)

3. What are our concrete next steps?
2. Strategy / approach: How do we want to / could reach our project objective(s)?
1. As a step toward achieving the Vision, what concretely do we want to achieve / accomplish? What is (are) our project objective(s)? Good project objective(s) = specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timeboxed (i.e., include start and end dates)
What does "Project Success" mean to us?

II. Vision ...

3. Who / What benefits from the solution?
2. What benefits / added value does the solution promise?
... [answer] WHY? TO WHICH EXTENT
1. What is the ideal solution to the problem?

I. Motivation ...

3. What impacts does (do) the problem(s) have on those affected by it? or: What happens if nothing happens?
2. Who / what is (are) affected?
... [answer] WHY? TO WHICH EXTENT?
1. What is (are) the real issue(s)?
... [answer] WHY?

... WHY?
