Kategorier: Alle - forensics - evidence - chemicals

av AlShehhi AlShehhi 4 år siden


Introduction to forensic science

Forensic science applies scientific methods to solve legal issues, including crime investigations and courtroom testimonies. Key tools such as microscopes, spectrometers, and chromatographs help forensic scientists examine and compare evidence, like bullets or chemicals.

Introduction to forensic science

Introduction to forensic science

orgnizing information

Databases store information that forensic scientists can search easily
Computers link to micrscopes , chromotograph and spectrometers to display results.

Identifying substances

records how a substance interacts with wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
seperated chemicals based on their physical properties such as boiling point or molecular size

Tools in forensic science is the micrscope

Comparison micrscopes are used compare two small objects such as bullets , side by side
SEM are used to take a picture very small objects.
handheld lenses can be used at crime scenes
lights micrscope are used to examine eveidnce and to seperate evidence for further analysis.

Organizing information

There are many chemicals used by forensic scientists
forensic scientist use chemistry to analyze :

drugs , alchohol , poisons , fire accelerants and explosive

some chemicals reveal bloodstains

other chemicals detect finger prints

other chemicals can detct gunshot residue

tools used by forensic scientist are

chamicals , micrscopes , chromatographs , spectrometer , computers

forensic scientists must have good communication skills

Forensic science is the use of science to investigate legal matters.

Forensic scientist do more than investigate crime scene
investigate fires for clues about arson
verify documents and products
identify victims of accidents and disasters
The second meaning involves the question "whose is it?"
the first meaning involves the question|"what is it?"
Testifying in court
An expert witness is someone who has education , traing or significant experince
Analyzing eviedence
When a crime is comitted some kind o evidence will always be produced.