Kategorier: Alle - education - survival - determination - resilience

av michael jones 6 år siden


ISU Graphic Organizer

Desperation is a recurring theme that can significantly influence an individual's behavior and mindset. In "Corpse of the Bare Boned Plane," Uncle Marten's extensive studies lead him to a state of frustration and self-doubt, questioning the value of his knowledge despite years of effort.

ISU Graphic Organizer

Desperation is shown when Uncle Marten says "LIFE IS MORE LIKE A JIGSAW PUZZLE WITH ¾ OF THE PIECES MISSING.”(30) This was said by Uncle Marten and this got him thinking of how desperate he was looking for the final 1/4 of the puzzle. He brought many things onto his own private island to try and find the last 1/4 of the piece (metaphor for happiness). This shows that desperation can make you take extreme measures to accomplish the thing you are desperate for.

Does desperation bring out the best character traits in people?

Yes, Although desperation can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence it can also bring out more good character traits than bad. If a person is desperate they will be more motivated to accomplish that task they are desperate for. Desperation can bring out perseverance because when people are desperate they could make the extra effort and overcome the obstacle. Desperation makes people very hard workers and will make them not quit because they want the task so badly, that is why someone is desperate because they want something really badly.

ISU Graphic Organizer: Michael Jones

Rule of Three

“Quickly they all started to undress until the five men were standing there, naked.” (46) Being desperate for something will require people to make sacrifices which causes them to lose goods or resources. One would not be desperate for something if they had the required things for the desired task. Being desperate means that you have to sacrifice or acquire something which is difficult to do. In this situation the measures taken when these people are desperate can lead to sadness and embarrassment. As long as you can keep your decisions when you are desperate some what rational then you will have positive impacts from the desperation.
Does desperation require sacrifices?

Desperation does require one to make sacrifices. The average person in a desperate situation will evaluate the situation and then make the best possible decision. When you are desperate you will have to make sacrifices to get the desired object or opportunity, being desperate means that you are willing to sacrifices anything.

Will desperation always have the same effect on a person?

No, it will not have the same effect on a person because someone may act differently in the situation and depending on what action was taken it could result in a different feeling after the event. For instance when Herb was desperate in the book he was able to stay calm because he is an old wise man who had been in the war, so in the desperate time he did not take the extreme measures to accomplish the task of getting water for everybody. Adam had a different impact with desperation. In the book he had to supply food for everyone and he was so desperate that he stole food from another town, when the other town needed rations.

Whispers From the Camps

“The floor was covered in hay and fresh manure.” (6)This quote shows the desperation of Felecia and her family because they are willing to sit and stand on hay and fresh manure to get out of Romania and away from the Nazis. If Felicia was not as desperate she would not have sat on the manure, she would have looked for a better and cleaner way out of Romania. This act they make when they are desperate can lead to anger towards other people. Others around the desperate people may be able to tell that they are desperate and being desperate could cause people to lash out. Later on in the train ride their is frustrations about the manure which can be considered a type of anger.
What makes a person desperate?/ How does desperation develop?

When someone has something that they really want or love. It will make them desperate if they are not able to get it. The longer they cant get this certain thing, the more sacrifices they will be willing to make. If a person is trying to get something for a week than they wont be that desperate and wont make any huge sacrifices. If someone is looking and trying to find something for a year thy will be willing to sacrifice a lot.

“How long can a person live out of a suitcase.”(4) This shows that Felicia and her family are willing to live out of their suitcase and on the run for their entire life. They are so desperate that they will travel anywhere. The reason they always have their suitcase is because they are desperate to find a new home and be able to unpack their suitcase. In this case desperation is saving their lives because if they were not desperate and decided they did not want to live out of a suitcase the Nazis may catch them. This can lead to sadness because they are not able to have a permanent home.
Can you find happiness without a home?

Yes you can find happiness. This may be occurring for a short time.But int he book whispers from the camps the desperation does not impact their happiness. Whenever the people in the book stayed at a house for a few weeks while they were being hidden they were still able to find a little bit of happiness. The value of laughing and the good things in your life will make you happier if you have not experienced them at the same place over and over again.

The main topic in all of my books was Desperation. And it led me thinking to a big question. What can desperation do to a person?

Thesis: Being desperate brings out the best traits in people.

Corpse of the Bare Boned Plane

In the book Corpse of the Bare Boned Plane desperation is shown.
Desperation can lead to a lack of self confidence this is shown when Uncle Marten says “What do we really know.” (30)" Uncle Marten has been studying on his island for years on a whole bunch of random stuff in order to know more. After a long time of studying he gets frustrated and in the quote it shows that his desperation is making him doubtful of his knowledge.

Does school benefit your learning? ...Should there be mandatory classes?

In many peoples eyes school is very boring. The wide variety of learning is great for students. For example people in math class usually say when will I ever have to use this in my life. When you are finding this the most boring subject and are struggling with it you should continue because all though you may not like . it it builds work ethic. Also there should be mandatory classes for students because some people need to know how to do simple math and speak well. After the basics are learned you should continue with it because maybe later in your life you may want to pursue a job in that field and if you stick with it you may begin to like that subject.