Kategorier: Alle - competence - cognition - language - acquisition

av Marco Useche 1 år siden


Language and pyscholinguistics

Psycholinguistics explores the intersection of language and cognitive processes, examining how humans acquire, produce, and understand language. It delves into the mechanisms of language acquisition and performance, focusing on various competencies such as phonological, lexical, syntactic, grammatical, and discursive.

Language and pyscholinguistics

Language and pyscholinguistics


Cognitive process
Human mind
Study of language

Studio areas of pyscholinguistics


What is its role in learning?

Language acquisition
Language production

Language perception

What is pyscholinguistics?

Study of cognitive process
Acquisition of the language


Phonological competence
Sound combinations of the words

Lexical competence

Word knowledge

Discursive competence
Different type of discurse

Semantic competence

Meaning of the words

Morphological competence

Word structure

Linguistic competence
Understand sentences

Syntactic competence

Contributions of the own language

Grammatical competence

Descriptive grammar

How we talk and read

Help to understand language in context

Predescriptive grammar

Traditional approac h

beneficial fot non native speakers


Physical representation

What is language?

Knowledge of language
Reflection about the language
Principal method of communication