Kategorier: Alle - feedback - constructivism - culture - interaction

av Laura Vanessa Lopez Ferraro 4 år siden


Language learning

The acquisition of a second language is deeply rooted in cultural and social contexts, requiring learners to draw upon their experiences to derive meaning and usage. This process involves creating an interlanguage, a unique and evolving grammar influenced by the learner'

Language learning

Hamel, M. -J. (November de 2005). CASLA through a social constructivist perspective: WebQuest in project-driven language learning. 217-228. Obtenido de https://padlet-uploads.storage.googleapis.com/453463892/bd2a8b108680e5c634a63518bd1aff06/Simina_Hamel_CASLA_through_a_social_constructivist_perspective.pdf

Those concept becomes a cyclic process

Both are validating by the learner through the use of the second language and the feedback from others

An environment where meaning negotiation and social feedback take place


students can not only improve reading comprehension, summarizing and rewriting but also they can improve computer skills such as word processing, picture manipulation and page design (Page. 226)

Put conten in context

¨contain motivational elements, such as interesting scenarios or interaction experts online and are highly visual, hence increasing the learners’ willingness to participate¨ (Page. 225 )

Second language adquisitions through a social constructivism apprach.

• Lesson format where material comes from the web. • Promotes students roles • Transforms the environment • Work with groups rather than individuality

include photographs, maps, text, charts, sound clips and videos

Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition

Call as a type of environment

Cognitive and socio - effective experiences

* Prior knowledge * New knowledges

self - monitoring process takes place

♠ promotes a second language acquisition ♠ Allows modified interaction between learner and computer ♠ Multiple interpretations of reality ♠ Natural complexity of theoretical world ♠ Authentic task and enabling context

* Sharing multiple perspectives * Constant change of learners interpretation.


Language learning

Process of gathering and processing information

Second language
Language is cultural and socially oriented, learners have to rely on their experiences to understand meaning and use

SLA Second language acquisition

♦Learning strategies. ♦Employ an create learning resources. ♦Combining declarative with procedural knowledge. ♦Associate cognitive experiences with authentic environments. ♦Constant negotiation of meaning.

Meaningful learning process

Where social and cognitive learning aspect are combined

Learners creates an hypothetical grammar based on their L1. In this order of ideas the L1 is an input and the l2 is an output

An interlanguage and each one is unique

CAH * Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

Validate and retorn to the original


*Writing *Speaking


*Listening *Reading

Language and culture


Social learning acquisition through interaction
Social colaboration is crucial

Cognitive development is sociocultural

How humans perceive the world

Learner is the center of the learning process and the teacher is a guide.

Knowledge is constructed based on people experiences though interaction.