Kategorier: Alle

av Tin Matešin 4 år siden


Marševi mjeseci

Mars má dva měsíce, Deimos a Fobos. Deimos je menší z nich, má průměr 6 km a vidí se na Marsu každých 2,7 dne. Jeho povrch je kolem 483 km² a teorie naznačují, že byl vyhozen z asteroidního pásu.

Marševi mjeseci

Marševi mjeseci

Follow these guidelines and you will have a success in keeping your resolution!


Evaluate your progress.

How well did I do in the first month? And the second? Did I achieve the goal that I set for myself?

Dan = oko 30 h
Deimos se vidi po noći na Marsu svakih 2.7 dana
6 km u promjeru, površina oko 483 km2

Add your observations of your progress!

If there are things you would want to improve/change next month, add those here too.

Udaljava se od Marsa

It takes sacrifice to get results. Type in here if keeping your resolution affects your life negatively.

Asteroidi izbačeni iz asteroidnog pojasa (Teorija)

Nisu okrugli zbog njihove slabe gravitacije


Less is more! Do not follow the crowd, think about what you really want to achieve next year. Set your resolutions!

Velike razlike temp. dana i noći
Dan (koliko treba da obiđe Mars) traje 7 h i 39 minuta
1m prašine prekriva Fobos zbog toga

When you set a goal, you should also set a reward for accomplishing it.

23 km u promjeru, površina oko 1548 km2
Krater Stickney

Type in your resolution.

Može se vidjeti golim okom na Marsu
9 km u promjeru
2 m se približava Marsu svake godine

Set your goals while having your resolution in mind. You should set short-term and all-year long-term goals so you can start seeing results right away.

- go to the gym 2 times a week in the first 3 months, go 5 times a week by the end of year
- pay 1/4 of debts by may and pay all of it by the end of the year

ili će se zabiti u Mars

za oko 20 mil. godina

ili će postati Maršev prsten

˙(za oko 20 mil. godina)