av Qabas Al-Jobori 1 år siden
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Pathology of MS
-maintain QOL; manage sxs (muscle spasticity, bladder sxs, sensory sxs, fatigue)
Slow disease course, reduce progression
Rituximab was once considered for MS but was suspended.
Daclizumab was approved 2016, removed in 2018. Urgent review after 7 cases of serious inflammatory brain disorders and encephalitis meningoencephalitis.
Monomethyl fumarate: Relapsing MS, SPMS
Unknown MOA, may decrease blood vessel permeability. Eliminated mainly as CO2.
Diroximel fumarate: Relapsing MS, SPMS
Less likely to cause GI ADEs due to substitution of methanol with inert 2-hydroxyethyl succinamide
Dimethyl fumarate: Relapsing MS, SPMS
Metabolized by esterase in liver and GI tract to active MMF
ADEs: -Cytotoxic -Malignancies -Lymphopenia/hematologic toxicity -Infections -Liver injury -Cardiac failure -Risk of teratogenicity
MOA: -Adenosine analog --> inhibits nucleoside metabolism --> toxic to B/T cells --> red lympho counts
Indication: MS, SPMS (used when other txt unacceptable)
ADEs: -Bone marrow suppression -Neutropenia -Menstrual disorder
MOA: Binds to+ breaks DNA --> reduce lympho proliferation
Indication: SPMS, PRMS, or worsening RRMS (LAST RESORT)
ADEs: -Liver toxicity (CI in hepatic imp) -Teratogenicity
MOA: -Reduce inflammation -Reduce pyrimidine synthesis --> reduce T/B cell proliferation --> reduce lymphocytes in CNS
Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone)
MOA: -Mimics myelin basic protein of the myelin sheath --> decoy to T-cell attack -Mixture of polypeptides containing L-Glu, L-Lys, L-Ala, L-Tyr
Ozanimod: MS/SPMS
ADEs: -somnolence, fatigue, headache, dizziness, bradycardia, HTN, liver injury, N
Siponimod: MS/SPMS ** similar to Fingolimod
Fingolimod: Relapsing MS
ADEs: -Heart toxicity: -Bradycardia (1st dose monitor) -QTc prolongation, other arrhythmias, need heart monitor for 6h after 1st dose -CI: I/III anti arrhythmic drugs, 2/3 AV block, prolonged QTc, recent cardiac diseases
MOA: -Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulators -Bind to S1P1R/S1P5R --> sequesters lymphocytes in lymph nodes/thymus/GI tract --> reduces circ. T cells/macrophages --> reduce CNS infiltration of immune cells
ADEs: -Hepatitis B reactivation -Progressive PML
MOA: -IgG, CD20 -Bind to CD20 --> Ab-depnd cytolysis
Indication: Relapsing MS or SPMS
ADEs: -Infused-related reaction -Infections
is there a difference b/w infusion related rxn and infusion associated rxn???
MOA: -IgG monoclonal antibody -Target CD20 on surface of B cells -Induce B cell self-destruction
Indication: MS or PPMS
ADEs: -IAR -Risk of PML (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) due to human polyomavirus (check pts) -risk of immune reconstitution inflammation syndrome (IRIS) when D/C due to PML -depression, infection, fatigue
Human Polyomavirus (John Cunningham (JC) Virus):
MOA: -Humanized IgG monoclonal antibody -binds to interns, reduces lymphocyte entry through BBB
Indication: Relapsing MS
ADEs: -Infusion Associated Rxn (IAR) in 90% of pts -Mild-mod: headache, rash, pyrexia, N, resp/urinary tract infections -Increased herpes infection risk (prophylactic acyclovir txt) -secondary autoimmune disease mainly changing thyroid func (30-40% of pts)
MOA: -CD52 monoclonal antibody -depletes T+B cells
Indication: High efficacy for relapsing MS -Use after inadeq response to 2 other drugs
ADEs: -Flu-like sxs -depression -Caution: dev. of neutralizing antibodies (NABs) --> dec efficacy overtime
Agents: B1a (glycosylated): -Avonex, Rebif B1b (non-glycol): -Betaseron, Extavia Pegylated-IFNB1a: -Plegridy
Glycosylation improves activity and has a stabilizing influence
MOA: -Immunomodulation -reduces inflammatory response
Indication: Relapsing MS -Reduce MRI lesion activity -reduce brain atrophy -inc time to reach clinic def MS -decrease relapse rate -reduce risk of sustained disability progression
-shorten duration/reduce severity
-IV high dose corticosteroid
Inflammation is present at ALL stages
-Mainly due to continuous axonal loss -Above clinical threshold
Same as pre + -sometimes above clinical threshold -axonal loss continues
Episode immune attack/inflammation of myelin -Below clinical threshold -Initial axonal loss