av fatima nuñez 6 år siden
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- Private businesses - They generate a profit because they provide services that for normal businesses may seem too expensive - Ex : US Postal Service
- Currently there are 12 - Each R.C. makes and carries out rules for a specific business activity - They also settle disputes among the businesses they control - FCC, CSPC - Should be free of political influences. (Neutral)
- Under direct control of the President - NASA, EPA
-They help the Pres. make decisions on domestic and foreign policies. - OMB decides the cost of the President´s policies and prepares a budget for Congress. - NSC helps the Pres. make foreign policies.
- Presides over the Senate - His/her role is determined by the President, either active or not. - If the Pres. dies the Vice Pres. may become President.
- Center of Administration - Made up of trusted advisers and assistants hired by the Pres., without Senate approval - Aside from providing insight on important matters, they help fulfill the Pres.´goals