av Sidney Awesome 14 år siden
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Also by what it represented to each person was a status of relationship to their signifigant other/plot
Bianca did not want anything to do with it, she rejected it. /plot
Unknowingly Emelia gave it to Iago to please him while it backfired on her in the end/reationship
It was a treasure to him though it drove him mad in the end/relationship
Cassio stumbles on it 'randomly' and it ends up setting his fate in stone/plot
Desdemona had no intention of her losing it go awry but still cared for/worried over it/relationship
Is the starting point/compliments the underlying tension
Cassio and Bianca were not married and had the 'most fulfilled' relationship at the end
Obviously Othello smoothering Desdemona
Ironically, smothering could also reffer to smothering a relationship with too much love is just as unhealthy as no love
Iago stabbing Emelia
Dangers of a purely lustful relationchip; loveless marriage
Emelia-Wife/Middle Man
Roderigo-Pawn/Groveling Sidekick
Othello-Main character/Hero
Cassio-Lieutenant/Focus of Rumor
Bianca-Mistress/Added drama
Emelia was decieved onto hurting her best friend and her relationship...by her HUSBAND.
What ignited Othello's rage and turned the play onto the tragedy
It's assumed that Iago's plan is but into actions by rumors.
It is never actually revealed as to why Iago plots against Othello other than her hates him/possibly slept with his wife
The change of Othello's relationship with Desedemona
His contrast in personality and role to the rest of the cast
Unrelated to the main plot but is involved in a ploblem bigger than himself
Unrequiented love for Desdemona
Pitiful, pathetic grasp of hope throughtout the play
Causes own downfall
Killed by deception of Iago and his own ignorance
Lost everything, including his own life
Became the one thing he swore he wasn't-jealous
Racism is a constant present
Plays a key role in the setting and key factors that get the story off the ground
The reason they left Cuprus
Iago wanting positions as fuel for his plot