Kategorier: Alle - profile - consultation - billing

av Adam Kulla 8 måneder siden


Patient Experience Flow (New Patient)

The process involves confirming the patient's billing details and updating their profile with any new address or insurance information. Patients are walked to the front desk where any necessary appointments or referrals are communicated.

Patient Experience Flow (New Patient)

Proceed to Book Patient Appointment

Reception asks if New or Previous Patient

Previous Patient
Reception Finds Existing Patient Profile

Reception Asks reason for Appointment

Dental/Denture treatment

Dental Appointment

Has the treatment previously been discussed?

Book Treatment According to Contact/Treatment Plan

Quote/Additional Information


Is this in regards to something previously discussed?

Book with Hygiene 3 units for consultation

Book 2-3 units with Dr Dan

Book patient with respective provider. Indicate in appointment line previous discussion

Moderate Pain and/or Longtime Issue

Severe Pain within 72 Hours

Book ASAP with DDS *2/3 Units Minimum

Dental Cleaning


Reception Checks if Patient due for Hygiene/Recall

Patient is not Due

Book after recare Due Date

Patient is due for Hygiene Only

Book Next Available Appointment for 5 units

Patient is Due for Hygiene+Recare

Book next Available Appointment for 6 units

New Patient
Reception Create Patient Profile with: - Patient Name - Date of Birth - Phone Number - Email Address

Reception Asks about Priority for Dental Care

Consultation/Second Opinion

Reception Asks: Chief Concern How long since incident Pain Level/Severity Approximate Location in mouth (UR/UL/UF/LL/LR/LF)

Is Patient Interested in Orthodontics?

Book with Hygiene for 3 units for consultation

Is Patient Interested in Implants?

How Many Implants?

Full Mouth/Complex Case/Unsure

Book with 3 units with Irhan When Dr Dan is here

Individual Teeth

Book 2-3 units with Dr Dan


Reception Asks: Chief Concern How long since incident Pain Level/Severity Approximate Location in mouth (UR/UL/UF/LL/LR/LF)

Moderate Pain and/or longtime issue

Book with DDs or Hygiene *Try to book with time for treatment

Severe Pain within 72 hours

Book ASAP with DDS *2/3 Units minimum

Looking for New Office

Reception asks if Patient wants exam only, or exam and cleaning

With Cleaning

Add 5 Units with Hygiene

Add 4 Units with Hygiene

Exam Only


4 Units with Dentist (or Hygiene if space)


3 Units with Dentist (Or hygiene if space)

Hand Patient Forms for Completion

Once Patient Completes forms, check if done correctly

Return medical history for patient to bring into operatory

Have patient take a seat in the waiting room. DO NOT tell patient provider knows they are here (I'll let them know you're here)


Introduce themselves to the patient, welcome the patient to the office Bring the patient into the room Mark the patient as seated Confirm Medical History with patients + any dental concerns

What Type of Appointment?

New Patient Consult

New Patient Spec

Perform spec exam and chart conditions Take radiographs or review previous if any received , complete charting Diagnose dental work needed and create treatment plan with appointments Discuss any recommended treatment/referrals Complete any work if possible

New Patient Exam

Perform complete exam and chart conditions Take radiographs or review previous if any received , complete charting Perform perio exam and diagnose perio Diagnose dental work needed and create treatment plan with appointments Discuss any recommended treatment/referrals

Hygiene to be done?

Perform scaling/polishing Create recare schedule based on perio diagnosis Book patient for scaling according to recare schedule

Reception confirms date, time, and provider. Inform patient that they will receive automated reminders if they are signed up, and will otherwise receive a 1-week courtesy call

Reception sends a personalized New patient email right after booking the appointment. Email Contains: - Personalized Welcome - Clinic Location, Hours, and Services - Staff Biographies - New Patient Form and Release of Records (Curve) - Link to Medical History Form (Through Website)

1 Week Before Appointment
Reception will call the patient for 1 week courtesy call. This call is to confirm: -New patient forms completed -Any relevant medical conditions -Any additional patient info (address, insurance) -Date and time of the appointment -Scheduled provider

Patient Comes to Front Desk for Check In

Reception: -Welcomes the patient to the office. (Direct them where bathrooms, kids area are, ask if they are from the area/how they found the clinic) - Reception takes photo of patient for profile

Reception Explains Consult Appointment Expectations. (Free consultation including diagnostic xrays, provision of treatment plan) Appointment Time, Date, and Provider are Confirmed with the Patient. Inform patient that they will receive automated reminders if they are signed up, and will otherwise receive a 1-week courtesy call

Update Assignment

Does patient want to go on assignment?

Reception Provides AoB form for completion

Confirm billing is correct and mark patient billed Walk patient to front, tell front desk about any DDs appointments to book or referrals to send

Medical History Signed?

Bring to DDS office for signature
Bring to Front Desk for Scanning

Update Reminder Preferences

Reception to ask about short notice list + automatic reminders

Add Short Notice Flag/Update Automatic Reminder Settings

Confirm billing is correct and mark patient billed Walk patient to front, tell front desk about any DDs appointments to book or referrals to send

Reception Marks Patient as Arrived


Bring Patient into Room Mark Patient as Seated Confirm medial history with patient + any dental concerns
Dental Treatment

Obtain any required consent Perform treatment as planned


Perform spec exam and chart conditions Take radiographs or review previous if any received , complete charting Diagnose dental work needed and create treatment plan with appointments Discuss any recommended treatment/referrals


Perform spec exam and chart conditions Take radiographs or review previous if any received , complete charting Diagnose dental work needed and create treatment plan with appointments Discuss any recommended treatment/referrals Complete any work if possible


Perform recare exam and chart conditions Take radiographs or review previous if any received , complete charting Perform perio exam and diagnose perio if needed Perform scaling/polishing Create recare schedule based on perio diagnosis Discuss any recommended treatment/referrals

Book Appointment Accordingly

Reception asks if Patient has had cleaning/exam within past year

Were X-rays Taken?

Ask patient to sign records release request

Reception explains spec appointment expectations (Xrays, exam, and diagnosis guaranteed. We do our best to treat the issue given the time available, but cannot guarantee same-day treatment) Reception confirms date, time, and provider. Inform patient that they will receive automated reminders if they are signed up, and will otherwise receive a 1-week courtesy call

Patient Arrives at Front Desk

Reception to: - Check how the visit went. Address any complaints. - Remove from review list if necessary - Summarize appointment and next steps with patient, including referrals, next visits, and follow ups - Book any next visits as specified by provider or requested by patient - Mark patient as checked out - Make any adjustments to billing (provider of service, seniors/friends and family discount) - Send EDI to insurance - Collect payment from patient - Give patient receipt and confirmation of upcoming appointments.

Patient Leaves the Office
Reception To: - Send any referrals requested by provider - Mark pre determinations to be sent - Create notes about any specific requests (ie insurance or billing follow up) - Scan forms to patient file, including signed Med Hx - Update Medical and Clinical Flags, and Flag Patient as Curve Updated

Day of Appointment

Patient comes to front desk for Check-In

Does the patient have a profile photo?

Reception to take Profile Photo

Appointment Time, Date, and Provider are Confirmed with the Patient. Patient is told to expect a welcome email from us with more information about the clinic

Reception explains spec appointment expectations (Xrays, exam, and diagnosis guaranteed. We do our best to treat the issue given the time available, but cannot guarantee same-day treatment) Appointment Time, Date, and Provider are Confirmed with the Patient. Patient is told to expect a welcome email from us with more information about the clinic

After Booking

Is Patient Signed up for Automated Remainders?

1 Week: Courtesy Call
Day of booking: Save the Date 2 weeks: Email/Text Reminder 1 week: Courtesy Call Day Before: Email/ext Reminder

Reception Explains Consult Appointment Expectations. (Free consultation including diagnostic xrays, provision of treatment plan) Appointment Time, Date, and Provider are Confirmed with the Patient. Patient is told to expect a welcome email from us with more information about the clinic

Check Profile Up to Date

Address/Insurance Changes?

Scan copy of card. Update profile information

Check if Profile Up to Date

Forms/Insurance Info

Does the Patient Have Insurance?

Reception Scans a copy of the insurance card

Does the Patient Want to be on Assignment?

Provide Assignment Consent for Completion

Check if New Patient Forms Complete
Is there a Medical History in the email?

Provide Medical History for Completion

Print Medical History from Email

Do they Have an Address?


Provide Intake Form for Completion


Patient Intake has Been Completed

Patient Experience Flow

Patient Contacts the Office for an Appointment

Request Via all other contact methods (phone, email, text, Website chat, Walk-In
Simple Request

Contact Patient through preferred contact method

Complex Request
Request Via Website Form or Google Message