Kategorier: Alle - navigation - exploration - colonization - power

av Bailee s 1 år siden



Jacques Cartier, a notable European explorer, was pivotal in claiming parts of North America for France, marking the beginning of extensive exploration and colonization in the region.



The inventor of Eisenhower Matrix is Dwight David Eisenhower – an American army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961. His method helps us prioritize by urgency and importance.


These tasks are not important but they still need to be done. The question you have to address yourself: Who can do this for you?

Differing beliefs Differing beliefs is when 2 people have a different opinion on a certain topic.
Three detained in Egypt after coronavirus vaccines found dumped

Once the police found the people who got rid of the vaccines, they put them in jail for doing something most people find wrong.

Images posted on social media showed piles of white boxes scattered along the water channel's banks in Bani Mazar province, north of Minya.

Egypt is aiming to vaccinate 40 million of its population of more than 100 million by the end of the year, but they struggled to ramp up there vaccination rate because of delays in supplies and some vaccine hesitancy.

This happened because people thought the vaccine was bad for you.

It said the vaccines had been allocated to the health directorate in the city of Minya, about 220 km south of Cairo, where 18,400 vaccine packages with a value of more than US$319,000 were found to be missing.

Ontario school board 'regrets' burning books in the name of reconciliation as part of educational program

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that it’s not up to non-Indigenous people “to tell Indigenous people how they should feel or act to advance reconciliation.”

An Ontario school board has said that they now “regret” a 2019 educational program that saw books burned and used as fertilizer in the spirit of “reconciliation”

The goal was to “[replace] books in [CSC Providence's] libraries that had outdated content and carried negative stereotypes about First Nations, Métis and Inuit people,”

The French Wars of Religion (1562–1598)

The causes of the French civil war were: the noble attempt to gain power, frequent religious riots and religious concern from the lower class.

As the ideals of Calvinism grew in popularity in France, the country erupted into civil war.

The war began when the Catholic League convinced King Henry III to issue a document banning Protestantism and declaring Henry of Navarre's right to the throne.

Assimilation Assimilation is when you become like others, or adapt to their culture.
The Crusades

They went to Western European regions,Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli and Egypt. Everywhere they went, they converted people to Christianity by force.

The Crusade wars went on for 175 years.

The Crusade wars were mainly between Christians, Muslims and Jews.

They found people who were not Christian and forced them to convert to Christianity. If they didn't convert, then they would be killed.

What history tells us about assimilation of immigrants

Language assimilation is about learning what the language is where you live, and speaking it on a daily basis. It can be very hard for immigrants to learn a new language. If you can't talk to people, then you can't get a job to make money, and survive. You have to adjust to your new life.

The longer immigrants stay in the U.S., the more likely they will assimilate to its culture.

A lot of people in the U.S.A think immigrants are going to make America less American by bringing their culture to the US.

How Boarding Schools Tried to ‘Kill the Indian’ Through Assimilation

Many boarding schools were part of a long history of U.S. attempts to either kill, remove, or assimilate Native Americans.

Their hair was cut (in the case of the boys), and they were stripped of their traditional clothes and given new uniforms.

the U.S. government forced tens of thousands of Native American children to attend “assimilation” boarding schools in the late 19th century.

Key Green-historical event Blue-Current event


Tasks that are not urgent nor important should be eliminated so you will not waste time doing them.

White supremacy The belief that white people are better then everyone else.
On October 27th, 2018, a white supremacist named Robert Bowers walked into a synagogue and killed 11 people. He screamed "All jew's must die".
March 3, 1991: Rodney King beating caught on video

"Twenty-five-year-old Rodney King showed his injuries to reporters -- the bruises, broken leg, and the scar from the stun gun which jolted him with 50,000 bolt shocks," Bowen said on the night King was released from jail.

"King claims, and several witnesses support him, that he never resisted," CBS News correspondent Jerry Bowen reported a few days later.

The footage shows four officers Tazing, kicking, and hitting King with their batons upwards of 53 times.

Four police officers were filmed beating up a person named Rodney King.

David Lane

He died in prison in 2007 after being sentenced to 190 years for crimes including The Order’s assassination of a Jewish radio host, coined a statement of faith for white supremacists that includes the promise that they will fight for “white children”.

Member of a violent white supremacist terror group The Order.

Ku Klux Klan

is an American white supremacist terrorist hate group whose primary targets are African Americans, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and immigrants.

Murder Of Viola Liuzzo – Selma, Alabama 1965

Viola Liuzzo was a White civil rights activist, mother and wife. She was shot twice in the head by four KKK members who became enraged after seeing her riding in the car with a Black man, who was also an activist.

Murder of Judge Edward Aaron – Birmingham, Alabama 1957

Edward Aaron was a Black handyman who was abducted by the KKK, badly beaten, castrated with a razor and left to die in a nearby creek.

Pride Pride means that you are proud of something you did. It also means that you are satisfyed with an acheivment you made.
Mark Zuckerberg Knows Exactly How Bad Facebook Is

Mark Zucherburg didn't want to admit that he knew how bad Facebook was. He did this because if he said Facebook was bad, then people would try to convince him to get rid of Facebook.

Frances Haugen exposed Mark Zuckerburg using thousands of pages of privet documents to everyone that he knows Facebook is bad for kids.

On March 25, a Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers asked Mark Zucherburg on whether social media platforms were doing harm to children. He replied saying that he didn't know.

Facebook is worth 1 trillion dollars.

Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment (24 April 2020)

Trump new that the disinfectant was bad for you but he didn't want to admit it.

Using disinfectant on surfaces can kill germs, but if you eat it then it is likely you will die. It is very poisonous and is very bad for you.

Trump said "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

Donald Trump told everyone to drink bleach to help kill the virus.

Johnson drugs bust at Seoul 1988 highlighted one of most controversial Olympic Games in history

He didn't want to admit to everyone that he had made a mistake. If he told everyone he took steroids, then he would be automatically disqualified.

Once everyone found out he cheated, he was disqualified from the race. It was also the end of his running career.

He did so well in the race that people got suspicious of him. They found a banned steroid in a test they did on him.

Johnson got a world record for the 100m in the Olympics. His record was 9.79sec.

Control To have possession or to have power over something.
Toronto students organize ‘Crop Top Day’ to protest dress codes

After the protest, the dress code rules changed. There was not as much control over what you can or cannot wear.

Alexi Halket got in trouble for wearing a crop top. She posted on social media about how she was treated. A week later, she started a protest against her school dress code. She got a lot of people to come.

Principles have control over dress codes. If you brake the dress code rules, then you can get in very big trouble.

World War 2

Any who was not 'Aryan' would be persecuted.

The Jewish people were given identity cards so they could be identified.

Hitler and the Nazi's controlled Jew's and other minorities lives. They were not allowed to be part of everyday life such as: participating at school, limited number of jew's who could go to school in Germany, they couldn't use public telephones and they had a curfew

Civil war in Syria

According to estimates by the United Nations, more than 400,000 people have been killed in Syria since the start of the war.

Iran, Israel, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the U.S. want to have some control of what will happen to Syria.

Russian and Iranian government supported Bishar Al Ased. Russia began launching air strikes on Syria, and Iran gave him weapons.

The civil war caused many people to leave their homes. There were 5.6 million estimated number of Syrian refugees.

The president Bashar al Assad was very controlling and did not allow people to have any freedom. He kept track of everyone, and would send anyone to jail who disagreed.


These tasks are still important but they're not urgent so you can schedule a time to do them.

Expansion Expansion means to expand/add land.
United states expansion

America is 245 years old.

The US expansion displaced most of the Native American peoples who lived in those lands for thousands of years before the European colonists.

Thomas Jefferson negotiated a treaty with France, where the United States paid France $15 million dollars for Louisiana.

The US started their expansion in 1803.

French expansion

The French colonised 20 states.

The French colonised North America to make trading posts for trading fur.

The French expanded because they wanted a route to the Pacific Ocean, and they wanted wealth.

In the 17th century, New France extended in many places including: Hudson Bay, Mississippi, Acadia and the Rockies.

British expansion

The British expanded on North America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa, as well as small parts of Central and South America, too.

In the 16th century Britain began to establish colonies overseas. By 1783, Britain had made a big empire with colonies in America and the West Indies.

The 5 major reasons for British expansion are trade, wealth, migration, strategic interest and geopolitics.

Exploration Exploration means to search/discover something.
Jacques Cartier(December 31, 1491 - September 1, 1557)

He was the first person to establish Canada as a land for exploration.

He is also bad because he kidnapped many natives, he took advantage of the Indians, and he took land from the Indians.

He was chosen by King Francis I of France to explore the northern lands in search of gold, spices, and a northern passage to Asia.

Jacques Cartier was the first European to travel inland in North America. He claimed what is now known as Canada for France.

Captain James Cook (7 November 1728 – 14 February 1779)

Captain Cook was attacked and killed in 1779 during his third voyage in the Pacific ocean while trying to capture the chief of the island in Hawaii.

James Cook sailed through thousands of miles in uncharted areas of the world. He mapped lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.

He was known for for his three big voyages between 1768 and 1779 in the Pacific Ocean and Australia

Captain Cook was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the British Royal Navy.


They settled a big community in Newfoundland.

In the late ninth century CE, the Norse began establishing settlements in Iceland; in the tenth century they settled areas of Greenland. From there, Norse expeditions often sailed up the west coast of Greenland, across the Labrador Current to Baffin Island, and south along the shore of Labrador.

The Norsemen were also called the Vikings and Northman.

The Norsemen explored most of the North Atlantic, North Africa, Russia, and through the Mediterranean.

The Norse colonised North America late 10th century.

Colonisation A settlement in an uninhabited or inhabited area.
Spain colonization

Spain started colonising in 1492. They stopped colonising in 1898.

Spain colonised other country's because:They wanted to extract gold and silver from America, they wanted to make Spain a more powerful country, and they wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

Spain colonized Mexico, California, the Philippines and many more places.

Christopher Columbus

There were about 300,000 inhabitants of Hispaniola in 1492. Between 1494 and 1496, 100,000 people died. Half of the people that died was from suicide. In 1508, the population was down to 60,000. By 1548, the population only had 500 people.

Columbus forced Indians to give him gold. If they didn't give him gold, then they would die.

Columbus kidnapped and enslaved more than a thousand people on Hispaniola.

Columbus changed the world because he introduced the Europeans to America. He didn't only cause the founding of the United States, Mexico and Canada, but also shaped many other Caribbean and South American nations.

Canada's Long, Gradual Road to Independence

In 1763, France ceded Canada to England through the Treaty of Paris.

In 1754, England and France fought each other in the French and Indian war. France became allies with Aboriginal Canadians to get more troops, but it did not help defeat the British forces. By 1759, the British had roundly defeated the French

Canada was first colonized by Europeans in the 16th century.


Urgent and Important tasks that need to be done now.

Investment income Investment income is money that someone earns from :dividends paid on stocks, capital gains derived from property sales and interest earned on a savings or money market account.
The CRB has ended. Here’s how it may impact Canadians’ taxes

Canadians who weren’t able to work or had seen a reduction of at least 50 per cent of their weekly income because of COVID-19 and were not eligible for Employment Insurance.

Beanie Babies Are Worth Money

But because Beanies are now so common — you can even find them at CVS — their worth has lessened and they’re hardly as coveted as they were during their peak 20 years ago.


Stocks linked to Trump — DWAC and Phunware — sink after ex-president touts social media plans

DWAC’s share price skidded more than 20% in early trading Tuesday. And the tiny advertising software startup Phunware was down more than 34%.

Tesla stocks

Tesla stock’s gains are slipping because of German plant delay.

Service industry Service industry means different jobs that serve different purposes. It involves people serving customers to get paid.

Walmart Cashier Pays for Customers in Need and Refuses to Take the Money Back

Someone didn't have enough money to buy the food they needed so a cashier named Gloria paid for it.


Ontario elementary teachers reach tentative contract deal, agree to 1% raise for next three years.

The agreement also contains a two-year, $89-million “Support for Students” fund, which ETFO says will create about 434 teacher positions, to address areas such as special education, English language learning and mental-health initiatives.


Restaurants hit by labour shortage as economic reopening gathers momentum.

"I've found people but no one knows what they're doing," the owner of Athens Restaurant said in an interview. "I put an ad out for dishwashers and people have come in who've never been in a kitchen before in their life."

Trade Trade is when you transfer goods to another place in exchange for something you want/need.
Manufactured goods A manufactured good, is a good that is produced mainly by human labour.


U.S. Corporation Sentenced for Importing Illegally-Sourced Wood from the Amazon. September 3, 2021

U.S. Corporation Sentenced for Importing Illegally-Sourced Wood from the Amazon.

Peru issues Forest Travel Guides to establish a chain of custody and ensure that any timber harvested or transported is legal.

The court sentenced Global Plywood to pay $200,000 in restitution to the Ministry of Environment of Peru and a $5,000 fine.

‘Openbike’ is an open-source wooden bicycle you can make from plywood

Plywood is recyclable, so you can dispose of the bike frame sustainably

It has a fork design that allows for wider turns.

The latest model incorporates front and rear grills which are intended for transporting goods.

Chinese plywood export price soar 27.0% in September 2021.

China’s exports of plywood decreased 5.9%

Average price of plywood soared 27.0% to $521.4 per m3.

According to Lesprom Analytics, the value of exports soared 19.5% to $451.7 million.

Natural resources Natural resources are resources that exist without any humans.


Investors flee gold for cryptocurrencies as inflation worries perk up

Bitcoin has doubled in price to a record high of more than $67,000 on Oct. 20, 2021.

The price of gold has declined 6.1 per cent this year to $1,782 a troy ounce on Wednesday.

More than $10 billion has been pulled from the biggest gold exchange traded fund this year and funds’ physical gold hoards have also been selling down, according to Bloomberg data.

Serbia Vows to Boost Gold Reserves as China's Zijin Opens Mine

Serbia could curb or ban electricity exports to protect its own consumers and avoid outages.

Reserves may reach 50 tons in 2022.

Serbia plans to boost its gold reserves from an already record-high 37 tons

In Venezuela, people break off flakes of gold to pay for meals and haircuts.

Dinner for 2 is an eighth of a gram.

A one night stay at a hotel, is half a gram of gold.

three small flakes of gold = $5.