Kategorier: Alle - overpopulation - environment - extinction - resources

av David Delgado 5 år siden


Problems the world will face in the future

The world is currently grappling with multiple critical issues that are projected to intensify in the future. Overpopulation is a significant concern, particularly in developing nations, where inadequate sexual education and family planning contribute to the escalating numbers.

Problems the world will             face in the future

The sky is one whole, the water another; and between those two infinities the soul of man is in loneliness. Henryk Sienkiewicz

“When it comes to tackling climate change and extreme weather, we ignore population at our peril.” Emma Woods

Biological diversity is messy. It walks, it crawls, it swims, it swoops, it buzzes. But extinction is silent, and it has no voice other than our own. Paul Hawke

Problems the world will face in the future


WHERE? Developing nations face the problem of overpopulation more than developed countries
WHEN? isn’t just a problem of the next years, actually, right now is a problem and it also gonna be a problem if the international community doesn’t take a right way in order to fulfill the requirements of a world that isn’t sustainable if we keep growing the way we are doing right now.
WHY? Overpopulation is leading a faster degradation of environment because of the constant rise of the carbon footprint. Moreover the earth have some limited resources that we can’t restore.
WHO? The people of developing countries that are lack of an appropriated sexual education and family planning programs
WHAT? Is a condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of the earth

Animal extinction

- WHERE? The massive extinction is occurring and will be occur all over the earth, including seas, oceans, deserts, poles and all kinds of ecosystems.
- WHEN? It’s happening right now, everyday the number of endangered and extinct animals species is just constantly increasing.
- WHY? Deforestation, pollution, overhunting, population growth and habitat destruction. In sum, humans are the answer.
- WHO? we are losing and going to lose miles of species because of the indifference and lack of respect that this animals receive from the human being
WHAT? Some recently studies have concluded that more than 50% of animal diversity will be extinct by the end of this century

Water crisis

WHERE? Africa is the number one spot of crisis, but sequentially all the world will be affected by this problem
WHEN? The United Nations estimated that in 2025 more than 26 countries will be suffering of water shortage
WHY? Water crisis results from an imbalance between water use and water resources
WHO? Right now 844 million people lack access to safe water, this number is just gonna keep rising until fatal and irreversible consequences.
WHAT? Water crisis is the lack of fresh water available for human consumption