Kategorier: Alle - skills - projects - responsibility - teamwork

av Tricia Caffrey 13 år siden


Professional Competences

Professional competences encompass a range of skills and behaviors essential for effective functioning in various professional settings. Social responsibility highlights the importance of recognizing how individual actions impact the broader community, encouraging respect for diverse rights and ideas.

Professional Competences

Professional Competences

Definition of professional competences

Continuos Learning

Continuos Learning

“Continuous learning means that you use, pursue and apply new knowledge and skills in all of your experiences.” (lesson slides)

Although I am already in education, I should still try to find somewhere where i can volunteer, or perhaps take a short course and learn a trade, as education in the country in practically free and is credible therefore i should grab all opportunities that come my way.


It sets and helps and individual to pursue personal and educational goals. It also means that you will always try to access learning sources and opportunities and it shows a willingness to continuously learn and grow.

Social Responsibility

Recognising how different beliefs and actions fit the situation of a greater community.

I think that I do not always realise the importance of this. Although we are always aware of what is expected of us, it does not always means that we act ethically; in the future i would like to participate more in activities that contribute to the community.

Because it means that you are aware of your actions, and accept responsibility for them. Also being aware that our decisions can have global implications. Being socially responsible will mean that you show a respect for others’ rights and diverse ideas.

Professional Behaviour

“Professional behaviour means you use sound judgment to meet or exceed your guidelines, standards and expectations.” (lesson slide)Professional Behaviour

I believe that I always display professionalism, where and when it is needed. Although at times I may be caused to feel frustrated I am always able to channel the frustration and still maintain composure. For the future I should just sustain this standard of behaviour.

It is valued because it shows that you are able to respect the workforce expectations, policies and values. At work, you are a reflection of the company that you work for, therefore you are always expected to be as professional as possible. It is always imperative that you demonstrate professional attitudes and manner in your dealings with colleagues and others with whom you interact.

Commitment to quality

Is when an individual takes “pride” in the work that they produce. As well as striving for the best in order to achieve the highest possible grades. Maintining quality and the standards of their work.

With my own work, because of my time management skills, I often leave my work to the last minute and this means that I do not always produce work to my highest capability as it is often rushed.

If I improve my personal management skills then I believe that my commitment to work and quality will in hand improve too.

It is valued because it means that you produce work to the highest standard, this way you are not limiting yourself from potential opportunities, and you are also displaying yourself in the most positive light possible.

If you are aware of the quality of your work then you will always find ways of how to improve your work.





The act of communicating

2. Something communicated, as a letter.

We must consider all different communication styles, these include: listening,orally, written, verbal and non verbal.

Understanding that individuals have different ways of communicating.

I believe that my communication skills are strong, I am able to demonstrate respect with my tone and manner when speaking. I also understand when I need to speak formally such as at job interviews and colloquial when speaking with friends.

My writing is most often clear and accurate and this is demonstrated in various contexts.

However at times my listening skills are not always so strong, it often takes me longer to comprehend some thing when being taught, particularly mathematical methods. Though I am still capable of asking questions in order for me to have a clearer understanding.

It is valued because if there is a lack of effective and competent communication skills, then valuable information can be lost or not put across effectively. If this happens then the information will not be understood properly.

Project, Task and Organisational Skills

Project, task and organizational skills are used when you plan, implement, manage and measure projects and tasks in a timely and directed manner.

how it can be developed

I feel that I am not so good at carrying out multiple tasks or projects all at the same time. Perhaps if I plan ahead of time then I will have more control over how to perform my tasks and how they will be achieved.

why this is valued

It is valued because it can promise that tasks are achieved successfully and to the individual or groups best ability. Strong skills in this subject will allow you to manage multiple projects and tasks with ease.

Research & Analysis

This involves understanding how to use information from various sources.Research and analysis


I believe that I should make a greater effort to exercise my ability to think critically and strategically in all aspects of my life. For example applying these skills when report or essay writing, especially now that I am studying at degree level. This also includes learning how to use various forms of secondary research; such as journals and books as oppose to just relying on the internet.

Managing Information

Recognising where information is needed and understanding when to use it. “Identifies and clarifies the questions that need to be answered

This may fall into research and analysis, but I feel that should always make sure that when I am omitting information or summarising texts I should always use the information that is relevant and useful.

When spoken to, such as at lectures, I should also consider understanding what is important. This can be useful for note-taking too.

Why this is valued

Helps to omit what is useful as well as relevant.

It is valuable to use different sources to gather information. Managing information helps determine and distinguish how valid information is.


Personal Mangement

Personal Management

Personal management is important because it is a reflection of personal efforts. Efficient management demonstrates capability to take responsibility. It also shows that you are reliable

How it can be developed


Areas for improvement: My management of personal aims are not always met. I need to make my objectives more SMART. This will mean that I will be able to see more positive progress.

Why this is valued

Managing yourself effectively prevents confusion and prevents tardiness. It also helps meeting goals, plans and targets more achievable. Personal management outlines ones strengths and areas for improvement.