av amel3131 amel3131 4 år siden
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(I thought it would be interesting for me to put some personal experience in here but you don't have to read this) My grandfather was diagnosed with PSP right around the year I was born(2004), the life expectancy for someone with PSP is 6-7 years he died when I was about to turn 5 (2009). Since he died when I was very young I can't really remember him. He lost his speech by the time I could really remember him, I've never heard his voice before. He would cry a lot and it wasn't because he was sad its just what would happen. We would visit him every holiday and give him a little plushy these are the best memories I have of him. Seeing someone detartrate mentally like this is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to watch. In the grand scheme of things its only been 16 years since he was diagnosed but it saddens me that there really has been no progress to at least help with the pain.