av Maya Gray 12 år siden
Project-based learning
Project-based learning emphasizes student engagement through hands-on projects that are driven by compelling questions. These questions should be personal or local, sparking curiosity and leading to deeper inquiry.
Project-based learning Classroom Projects Book Reviews Podcasts creating websites
virtual portfolios
Websites Pixme - App linoit.com
The website makes a post it notes environment (Posters)
(Edu) Glogster Instagrok
(key facts) tinyurl.com
The website makes long urls much shorter. Post-It Notes
tinyurl.com/tools20 Infographic ignite format in powerpoint: use 20 slide/15 seconds
per slide educreations.com websiteslike.org
similarsites.com http://animoto.com/education prezi.com goanimate.com edu.xtranormal.com Pic Collage pixton.com blabberize.com recordmp3.org Poll Everywhere Quintura for Kids Story Kit Word Cloud Tagul Tagxedo Wordle Mentormob Jigsaw Planet Main topic Videos Make a Change in Eduction Quotes “You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” Albert E.
“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” Albert E. Tony Vincent Driving Question As much room for student voice and
choice as possible Leads to more questions Make it personal or local Question should appeal to students Shorten as much as possible Example: What if Lewis and Clark never me Sacagawea? Driving question start with: What? Which? What if? Personal and /or local Student voice and choice Will the result create something new Cannot be answered with copy and paste Where are the standards/content used in the real world