Kategorier: Alle - politics - reagan - conservatism - migration

av Aaron Gorecki 6 år siden


Reagans Election

The narrative explores the intertwining of religion and politics, particularly through the activities of the Moral Majority, a political organization founded by Jerry Falwell in 1979 aimed at advancing religious goals.

Reagans Election

Ronald Reagan


Moral Majority went to the supreme court to oppose the Engel V. Vital and Roe Vs. Wade cases
The Moral Majority was a political organization working to fulfill religious goals and was created by Jerry Falwell in 1979
Condemned the Equal Rights Amendment as well as homosexuality
Religious groups began to become more active with politics a


On television he appeared to be friendly and even tempered and calmed the fear of people who did not know if he was qualified enough to be our president
During his campaign he asked America "are yo better off than you were four years ago"
Then worked for General Electric and gave speeches criticizing big government and high taxes warning of the dangers of communism
Got an acting job in Hollywood appearing in low budget movies his most famous being Knute Rockne
Suffered the effects of the Great Depression

Population Trend

Migration from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt
White deep southerners who were liberal switched their views after the Civil War due to the enactment of the civil rights legislation

By the 1980's Republicans had become the dominant party in the Southern States

During this financial struggle, conservatives were able to persuade their views to change
Conservatives talked about school buses as a threat to neighborhood schools
As more northern liberals moved to the suburbs their financial struggles changed their political views

Political Parties

Sagebrush Rebels- believed that the government controlled too much land in the western states
New Right- New movement sparked and grew quickly and was a coalition of several different groups with different ideas and objectives

The Great Society made poverty worse

Complained about unfunded mandates- programs that were required but not paid for by the federal government

Believed that liberals policies were the source of stagflation and the government taxed citizens too highly and businesses spent to much on the wrong programs

Neoconservatives, worried that we were heading down a bad path with our abandonment of traditional values, this mixed with the degeneration of modern youth dovetailed many of their religious beliefs
Milton Friedman wrote about the U.S. economic miracle beliveing our government was not the source of it all
Believed that liberal polices in the 70's and 60's created inflation and a waste, believing they threw away money at social problems
Private orginazations
Favored in allowing the free market
Favored in cooperating with international organizations
Social Programs to help unemployed, elderly, women, and minorities
Federal government should play a huge role in improving the lives of all Americans
Believed in the government stepping in to help the needy