av Nuria Ruiz 8 år siden
The pervasive use of social networks among teens has introduced a range of significant risks that have escalated over recent years. These include various forms of fraud, such as false lotteries and deceptive advertisements that trick users into paying for non-existent products.
80% of teens use the phone regulary RISKS OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKS MALWARE are informatic programs created by offenders for causing damage to the the user PUBLICATION OF EXCESSIVE PERSONAL DATA AND PRIVACITY PROBLEMS specialists said that we have to be aware of all the information of us we publish on the internet, like ubication, our mood... FRAUDS FALSE PUBLICITY OR PRODUCTS they offer something that can not exist but you pay for them FRAUDULENT BANNERS FALSES LOTTERIES there is a webpage specialized in this cases because they have increased during this last 2 years PHISHING is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit cards CYBERBULLING CYBERBULLYNG IS BULLYING THAT TAKE PLACE USING ELECTRONIC DEVICES. 1 in 5 teens have post on the social networks sexual pictures of the or of others only 1 in 10 teens tell this to his parents around half of teens have been victims of cyberbulling WASTE OF TIME AND LOSS OF PRODUCTIVITY social networks are the leading cause of loss of time at work