Kategorier: Alle - solidaridad - liderazgo - cultura - cognitivos



Rol del estudiante universitario

En la vida universitaria, el papel del estudiante es crucial y abarca diversos aspectos que van más allá de la simple adquisición de conocimientos académicos. Los cambios cognitivos que experimentan los alumnos son fundamentales para desarrollar una autonomía que les permita tomar decisiones informadas y responsables.

Rol del estudiante universitario

Rol del estudiante universitario

desempeño que debe desempeñar el estudiante

comunidad en general

What particularity in pronunciation have you spotted?

Think of the sounds /o/ and /ae/, pronunciation of letter 'T', unaccented syllables, etc.

Example: sound /o/ is pronounced with rounded lips only in BrE.

solucion de problemas

capacidad de razonar en cualquier situacion problema

competencia abstractas

capacidad de analisis

pensamiento critico

conjuntos de ideas


relacion con la comunidad
etica y moral


Noun differences

Type in the particularities regarding the use of nouns in Standard British English (BrE).

Here, collective nouns can take plural verb forms if the emphasis is on the individual members: The team were unable to agree on the defense strategy.

desarrollo socio cultural


Noun differences

Type in the particularities regarding the use of nouns in American English (AmE).

For instance, collective nouns almost always take singular verb forms: The team was awarded first prize in the competition.

formación integral

para la vida
conciencia humana

How is writing numbers different in American English from Standard British English? Type in some situations.

Example: AmE speakers will drop the 'and' before the tens and units, while the BrE speakers will always write numbers of such with 'and': 'two thousand fourteen' (AmE) or 'two thousand and fourteen' (BrE).

observación en contacto real

identifica alternativa de solucion y sustenta su seleccion con criterio profesional.

Topic principal

estructura en una situacion dada

conducta y habitos


How do you say the date?

AmE and BrE speakers say the date differently.

Type in the two ways of saying the date in English, taking into account the order in which they say the day (DD), the month (MM) and the year (YYYY).


What is the difference in date format?

The date is formatted differently in American English and Standard British English.

Type in the two formats, taking into account that it has to include the day (DD), the month (MM) and the year (YYYY).

cambio a nivel socio -afectivo

inteligencia emocional

razonamiento analitico y sintetico

capacidad de asociacion de situaciones problemas

cambios a nivel cognitivos

metodologia para la misma
metodos tecnologicos
nuevos cambios de pensar

Use of letter 'U' in words ending in 'OR'

In American English, words ending in 'OR' do not include the letter 'U'.

Type in as many words as you can. Example: 'color' (AmE) and 'colour' (BrE).

para llegar a metodos innovadores

Use of double consonants

Type in the words that are written with double consonants only in one version of the language.

Example: 'traveler' (AmE) and 'traveller' (BrE).

capacidad de razonamiento
habitos mentales

Words with different endings

Type in the words which have one ending in American English and another one in Standard British English.

Example: AmE has changed words ending in 're' in 'er': 'theater' and 'theatre'.


capacidad de tomar decision
trabajo autonmo

The same word with different meanings

Type in examples of words that have different meanings in American and Standard British English.

Example: 'bill' can both refer to paper money (AmE) and an invoice (BrE).

saber elegir
capacidad de decidir
independencia de opinion

Different words with the same meaning

There are many objects that are described by different words in American and British English.

Example: 'Cookie' (AmE) and 'biscuit' (BrE) both refer to the same sweet baked food.

Type in some of these words.