Kategorier: Alle - themes - optimization - design - integration

av Scott Williams 2 år siden


Sales Funnel Theory

The document outlines a comprehensive strategy for creating and optimizing sales funnels with a focus on sustainable business success. It describes various paths in the sales funnel, ranging from troubled to growth stages, and emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development (

Sales Funnel Theory

BS Sales Funnel Theory


missing social proof
Check some good ones
future accountnant
Perry Marshal Academy
Growth Institute
grow your business
Research squeeze page theory
Brunson - first funnel

Reduce their pain

Zoho Survey tool has branch path and likely can get their rego

Zoho survey
What is major pain
IT systems

Configuration tuning

Monthly subscription

Tool selection & integration

Install and configure the required modules

Flat fee or monthly sub

Platform design

Pick modules

Introduce Zoho



$22k monthly sub









Accounting bundle monthly sub

Financial performance Coach

Tax accounting




Monthly sub





Performance Coach


Congregations / marketing channels

places where target group hangs out.

eg Facebook, Google search, LinkedIn.

A synonym for 'Marketing Channel" probably

Affilates congregation

Leverage trusted advisors like accountants.

Business coaches
Concerned citizens
business chambers & mentor groups
accountant congregation

Active income; sale of advisory services
Passive income; commission on clients purchases of services

Due to their endorsement, might be able to sell for more

Probable good source of kaizen suggestions

Upsell funnel stack

Skills modules funnel

Campaign sale funnel

on-boarding funnel

Discount campaign paid by their earned commission to start feedback cycle

Discount mini board

Estory on how can benefit $xx




Funnel Stacks


One time offer OTO



Digital marketing

Conversion funnels


Social media



Bookkeeping upgrade path

LMS and boards

Broader Data recording

Marketing data and boards
Flow data and boards

Use to recommend other lms and services


Tax and single service To our affiliates

With view towards long life subscription product
Therefore value
Benefit from and
They can understand

Their belt level

At pace they can manage, understand and benefit from
Stepwise introduction to offerings
Recover marketing cost ASAP in cycle

Funnel design considerations

AB test professional funnel page

Rego count

Cost per rego

Regos / entries


build of 30/8/22

mobile speed was 50 and desktop 70

used Elementor Canvas to get theme free page.

set up Pagesense

heatmap - unlikely

funnel - unlikley

split URL


neve lightweight theme

lightweight Elementor 'hello'

basic Elementor canvas


how to have multiple themes on site

Hubspot blog

Wordpress components

Existing elementor plugins

Step by step blog

Video series


goog for multi funnel


Elementor templates


Up and downsell


embed zoho tracking code for Pagesense

leave Clickfunnels if not the choice

zoho integration





minimise need to redo in other tech

Rapid test for better performing landing page due to better design and faster load

full Patel strategy
Funnel side
Tighten keywords

How do I know keywords that led to registration

If only keyword, then it did

Perry Marshall? Says spawn best keywords into own group and tighten funnel to above average experience

Reduce options and tie to landing page copy

Ensure landing page ties into best performing keywords

Ensure high performing are attracting right customers

close variants now automatic

Back in 2014, Google made close variant matching standard for exact and phrase match keywords in AdWords campaigns. It’s now the default for those match types.

According to Google:

Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations.

So what does that mean for you? Basically, if you use exact matching or phrase matching, close variants will be automatically included in your campaign. You don’t have to do anything.

Square brackets =‘exact’ and increases focus

Patel uses phrase match

Registration not working
Copy is too banal
Unclear benefits of using us. WIIFM
Unclear what they are getting / we are offering
What constitutes success

Attention hot spots

Long retention in funnel


If poor google quality score, why?
Research says
Disappointed customers
Paying more
unappealing subject matter
Don’t know what they want

A funnel with topic branches at top

How to track

UTM on link?

Where else UTM?

Load new page

Maybe too late in chain

Can only check what keywords have attracted to not much to play wth by now

Keyword popularity indicates

Early funnel text and cta should address popular keywords

Specific to our site

In general

Funnel message not compelling
Poor copywriting design
Offer Too broad
Cta not clear

Render of app form on mobile

Clearer buttons on mobiles

No incentives

No enticing freebies


Test access

One thing at a time for limited (taster) period

Everything at once

No urgency
No social proof
Funnel different to ad so disconnect
Offers tech not relief

Look at emplars

Not selling hope
Not addressing pain
Not wiifm
bad funnel mechanics
Dropouts between click and landing

Page load speed

pages cluttered

Consider specialise software

change page theme to remove menus and footers

slow loading

Try lightweight theme


Overweight pages

Success V6 (12faces theme) M=30 and DT = 77 Pagespeed

Funnel not good on mobile

maybe page unfriendly

not too much to fill in on form

patel example says we are OK

or alternative

buttons more button-like

maybe too much copy

could AB test

speed and design test ok

big majority on squeeze page are mobiles

KSF: must be able to visualise in funnel what they get
must work on mobile phone

Check exemplars




e-paper on what are main problems

links to the menu content

short access


KSF: touching the right incentives
register for free access and 24 hours limited access
Promise areas

Success like others

Fulfil their dreams

pain areas

Specific solutions split url

Specific solution packs for

click for free access to solution I want

Save time don’t reinvent the wheel

Dk/dk fear

micro /small 2 column list of issues covered

test before with split URL

Zoho Attention colour scheme

What do colours mean

Longer scroll

Sign up or

Sustainable Business Success Category

Goal path: subscriptions
Path 4: CPD
LMS cycle
MyDodeca funnel
Path 3: exit
Exit campaign funnel stack

Optimize campaign funnel stack

Grow Stack

Optimize Stack

Path 2: growth
Path 1: troubled

SBS Path 2: growth promotion

PDCA Subscription Funnel

Sells repetitions of the same improvement cycle.
Offers opportunity to grow at what ever client considers optimal rate.

If we store their data, might be able to suggest what to change to get them restarted.


Ensure improvement lasts

Flick from change project to kaizen subscription project for each completed cycle funnel upgarde path

Spawn new path for each completed

Change mgt

Measure improvement with ScoreBoard family


How to do chosen one

Mission Control upgrade path



Marketing funnel

Pricing funnel


What to do

Remedial - kaizen existing

Select one to focus


ChangeBoard upgrade path



Identify issues


Better financial health upgrade path

Better flow upgrade path

Flow / COGSBoard family

Better revenue upgrade path

Sales / RevenueBoard path

TrendBoard funnel

DashBoard funnel


Innovation - test and adopt new directions

Product mix

Huge range.
Maybe limit ourselves to methodology via LMS


Sell Growth campaign funnel
candidate funnels

SBS hacking F2


CPO group

Pdca cycle

CRO group


CFO group


Offer to help $49


Register for 12faces

SBS hacking F1 for MVP

Lead aquisition




Copy ‘poor profits’ & reword

Improve operations

Growth hacking

Reference material


Improve revenue

drip sequence

Page designed to be bookmarked with all the offers so they can revisit in future and purchase

OTO2: Down sell

OTO2: upsell or

OTO1: upsell

‘Pain’ around revenue

Huge number of ways. How to get started

How to break inertia of existing system

Drill down a dendogram

Marketing changeboard

We sell. Approach rather than fixed solutions

Specific or universal improvement

Can improve eg revenue versus full business

People are attracted to specifics so easier sell

SBS is more the universal and our category

Way in is curing the ‘pain’
Likely to be a specific they are searching for
Eventually might be the more generic SBS

Most with equate growth with better revenue. Better efficiency is a learned interest not a ‘pain’. They don’t know how inefficient they are. Can teach them gross margin benchmarks, pricing etc

Entry point = increase revenue

Grow out

Subscription revenue


Work out market

Work out structure

Nautilus flywheel

Identify attractive product

Sustainable growth

SBS Path 1: financial concerns / improve financials manage financials

monitor and improve financial health funnel stack
Probably 2 exposures to Boards by now
Optimize campaign funnel (profit problem)
Baby PDCA cycle

Goal is to use small steps to get them used to kaizen on business and using our systems to manage.

Maybe drip marketing sequence in response to each check in on work done.



introduce miniboard if new to them


Introduce some LMS

Pick best gain


Basic SalesBoard

Marketing channels profitability

Profit margins / product

Identify opportunities

Introduce ChangeBoard

Profitability concern funnel entry point

Drip feed



Emails into Campaign

Build email sequence

Configure sequence

Write each email

Similar top and tail

Each has link to wall



Reminder of expiry of offer

Reminder of downsell offer

Reminder of mini O100

Reminder of tools to capitalise on indicative changes 3 off

Offer help desk on demo ChangeBoard

Configure help desk

Register on 12 Faces

Link from each OTO page

Add link to each email as reminder

Here because of poor profit

Not attracted to existing offers

Bespoke courses / custom built

Free and obligation free

Personal invite to say what would have liked

“Do full optimize of your business”

O100 course materials alone $490


Already seen some components

Describe contents

full O100 package RRP$2490


some discount from normal O100


basic materials $500

possibly a miniBoard $190

3 * SM @ $190 ea = $600

4 * F2F sessions at $300 each = $1200

One time offer

Don’t know what they want so offer 1 next step at discount price

offer a subscription for any of them for $190

“1/2 price coaching session” (advisory)

“Find cause of falling profit” (Board)

get a credit for 1 $290 Mini board for $190. Money back if not used

ChangeBoard big brother than have already tried

What if profit not falling

What has changed to cause pain

“Learn how to improve one lever” (LMS)



User video


Get $100 off next step for $29.95

Buy 30% off OTO 1 voucher for $29.95

$100 value

SP: link the info in the CB to one of the LB

SP: ? a hard copy version of example CB; plus downloadable CB which can be made into an eBook

“Fastest things to change to improve profit”

profit Changeboard $9.95 for help desk support (or higher price. What is no-brainer expenditure)

Shows what to change

Monthly cashflow budget tool to get used to recording and value data and reminder

Bookkeeping fills in budgets as part of service

If poor bookeeping, get to change

Cash runway and teach to watch to learn monitoring

Email monthly to remind them

time limited upgrade option (to keep them active) on page bottom

drip sequence to remind them of offer


we are competing with free resources on this topic

What is best things to change first for biggest impact


Steps to

Stay engaged with project

Reminder drip


Increase sum will invest based on value of previous step

Therefore need most attractive step


Move fast and break things / mvp

Don’t know what will be most popular so A/B test


What is next improvement

How do I do it

What is most effective change

Focus is those with poor or failing profits

Turnround campaign funnel (cashflow problem)
drip sequence to remarket to them when should have progressed

survey weekly to see how progressing and direct down next funnel

Thank you page and offer wall

Down sell


TrendBoard measures other cashflow matters so upgrade path to it. Normally RRP $990

full T30 package RRP $1990

Small fee to store data to get used to subscription

Credit Miniboard not very attractive

possibly a deposit to secure the price. refundable if not used

some discount from normal T30

Or increase std price

existing credits

present components

written content approx $190

$600 in F2F

includes TrendBoard valued at $990

not attractive and not the problem

profit autopilot $190


get a credit for 1 $290 Skill module for $190. Money back if not used

SM Profit Autopilot

SM rapid cashflow improvement

To worried to be attractive

free offer

Promise remedy in 30days

cashflow Changeboard $9.95 for help desk support

Credit board not very attractive

Problem is cash flow more numbers & complex than profit improvement

Too slow for their emergency

Don’t understand value so not attractive

Not numerate


‘How long before cash runway gone”

Simple survey asks data, offers result for email

Their Motivation
Not very interested in numbers
Want fast, painless solution
Situation bad enough for them to search for solution

Falling profit

Insufficient cashflow to pay bills & wages is first aware of