av Jada Phan 5 år siden
Mer som dette
Allows Others to Recognize Other Members of Species
Gives Animal Camouflage
Regulates Body Temperature
Protects Cells from UV Damage
UV damage in Skin Cells
Leads to Cancer
Skin Cancer Develops after a person's peak reproductive years
Less Variation
Darker Skin
Eumelanin - Brown/black pigment
Lighter Skin
Pheolmelanin - Reddish/yellow pigment
More Variation
Protects Folate from UV
Sperm Production
Embryonic Development
Deficiency of Folate
Brith Defect
Less Vitamin D
Higher Latitudes
Harder to Make Vitamin D
More Vitamin D
Healthy Immune System
Bone Growth
Bone Development Disease
Cripple the Young