av S. Edit Sarmiento 3 år siden
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The Personal SWOT Analysis will provide insights based on your personality strengths and weaknesses, challenges you see ahead, opportunities present around you now, as well as future favorable circumstances.
For the opportunities section, look at the external factors you can take advantage of in pursuing a promotion, finding a new job or determining a direction for your career.
'Technology' is not equal to Information Technology. For example, if you are in the soap-making business and you bring machines that speed up the process, you have introduced new technology or a process.
Add some questions and answers related to your industry and niche.
Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others.
List out all your strengths - if you get stuck, talk to people around you and ask for their input. Please be honest with yourself.
These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.
What are the Skills that you have developed over time?
These are the skills you have learned because you view them as essential OR people advised you to acquire them in order to improve yourself.
Choose from the examples below or add others:
¿Cuál fue el reto que tuviste que resolver?
- ¿Cuál fue el conjunto de actividades que realizaste en el desarrollo de la experiencia de aprendizaje sobre el cuidado de la salud?
¿Qué acciones propusiste para la disminución de la contaminación del aire y a apostar por el buen vivir.?
¿Cuáles son las fuentes o principales contaminantes del aire? ¿Qué consecuencias trae la contaminación del aire en las personas? ¿Cuál es la solución o como podemos reducir la contaminación del aire?
This is something that you learn unconsciously OR you learn by just observing someone you look up to (family/ colleagues/ teachers etc.)
Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think for a minute and type in your 'Natural Strengths' here.
Choose from the examples below or/and add others: