Supporting L1
Continued support for ELL for access to multilingual texts
encourage at home use of L1
reading, talking, playing with children in L1
Communication with parents
keep parents updated about student progress
work samples, portfolios, presentation
Dual language strategies
build on students existing experiences to further their learning
develop tasks that make use of L1
visual organizers, charts, pictures
ex. charting numbers in different languages
encourage students to complete tasks in L1
reading and writing
dual language assignments ex. picture books
small group/paired work
same language partners
allow students to discuss together in L1
Specific benefits of L1 use
expose native English speakers to other languages
allowed sufficient time to complete task
opportunity to demonstrate understanding of knowledge without pressure of L2 translation
understand, respect and appreciate multiple views
Developing problem solving skills
Mental flexibility
Reasons for support
reaffirmation of cultural identity and values
prior experiences add new perspectives to the classroom
sense of cultural stability and continuity
safe, inclusive environment
positive attitude to L2