av heiko sundermann 6 år siden
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Entity Keeps only AUDIT and LOG Data
Bank Data remains with the Bank
Personal Data Remains with the Client
If you look at their recent filings with the SEC, Twitter reports that as at 31st March 2015 they had 302 million active users and paid $142 million in the three months to 31st March for "Cost of Revenue" which they describe as:
Cost of revenue consists primarily of data center costs related to our co-located facilities, which include lease and hosting costs, related support and maintenance costs and energy and bandwidth costs, as well as depreciation of our servers and networking equipment, and personnel-related costs, including salaries, benefits and stock-based compensation, for our operations teams. Cost of revenue also includes other direct costs, amortization of acquired intangible assets, capitalized labor costs and allocated facilities.
Note the caveats in that, so we can't assume that 4 x 142 is the amount paid per year on equipment and power. However we do see that there is roughly $50 million increase in their fixed assets over the same three months, so let's make an assumption that there is operating costs over and above that so we get to something like $400 million per annum. Note that I'm not an accountant and they don't conveniently separate out data centre costs, so this is just my reading of the figures.
Taking all the above into account we see that Twitter is currently running at approximately $1.32 per active user per year.
I'd be happy for someone more familiar with the numbers to point out any obvious mistakes.
Social Networks
Other Due Diligence Providers DBs
Physical Archiving / Doc Transportation
Contract and Documentation
Operating Monitoring
Geographical Assessment
Legal Signature
Mandate Management
Investment Team / Organisation
Account Type
Portfolio and Positions
Investment Strategy
Investment Goals
Time Horizon
Cash Flows
Risk Capabilitiy
Risk Appetite
Risk Profile
Legal Entity
Controlling Person
Legal Type
Personal Link
Role in the Business relationship
Account Holder
Beneficial Owner
Power of Attorney
Preferences and Restrictions
Knowledge and Experience
Personal Information
Source of Wealth
AML Risk
Education & Profession
Social Network
Documents ID
Country of Residence
Travel Industry
Real State
Luxury Industry
Financial Services
Wealth Managements
Invest and Capital Markets
Cost Sharing of scarce/expensive specialists
Peers Network
Co-investing clubs
VIP Club Cards (SoHo House, Business Clubs)
"Pay with your good name" High Value Payments
VIP Card
Concierge Services
Increase my Personal Value
Savy Investor - share achievements among peers