av Surin Voravipapan 2 år siden
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Need to check so often
Can use bot to solve this
Good for introvert
Great for analyze when to invest but not which one to invest
Use fundamental analysis to filter the high potential companies
All information (market trends, competition, regulation) has already reflected on the graph
No need to concern many factors other than graph
One concept can apply to many business industries
Focus on quantitative information
Can get misled by one indicator
Cross check with several indicators
Get confused by so many indicators
Understand what is the main objective of each indicator
We are trend followers
What reflects on graphs has already led by some one (market maker)
Practice to think steps ahead
Check once in a while
Any new regulation implemented?
Fundamental remains the same?
Only when situation change
Sometimes even get lost
Sometimes to late to adjust
Know which companies to invest but not when
Both Quantitative and Qualitative
Qualitative analysis may get misled by market maker propaganda
Cross check with technical analysis
Understand business flows
Understand cause and effect
Analyze qualitative information to list high potential companies
Many businesses, industries do not share the same ideas
Must understand business in many industries
You will get lost if trying to analyze all industries in the same way
Many businesses share the same ideas
Compare the same businesses to pick up the best one
Some businesses can share the same analysis
Entrepreneur can also apply the common knowledge