av Rondy Kyle 7 år siden
The Big Picture
The challenges of youth ministry today revolve around various factors that require a comprehensive and collaborative approach. Traditionally, youth ministry has been seen as the sole responsibility of a designated leader, often leading to isolation and burnout.
rural isolation hard to get commitment
around rural / town activities farming hockey / other sports often small numbers of
youth (and children) involved often only mainstream or
progressive church in town often long distances Social Media Subtopic integrated into life
of church is essential intergenerational relationships The Big Picture Main topic inter-relatedness of
under 30 ministry young adults youth children cultural shifts value of church not
always seen busy families sunday morning
extracurriculars lack of commitment ecumenical and
intercultural partnerships leaders not enough time to do good work pastoral care takes time good program development
takes time high turnover lack of training volunteers paid small numbers
and no critical mass Resources Sharing resources Lack of resources!! relational youth ministry reframing youth
ministry necessary seen as job of one person
not whole congregation need to reframe as congregational
and intergenerational belief only youth leader's job numbers seen as sign of success idea of friday night
youth group persists urban vs rural needs urban rural Isolation