Kategorier: Alle - needs - jobs - taxes - consumers

av Jangjit Alex 2 år siden


The Citizens in Society

In society, citizens are entitled to employment opportunities which allow them to earn or save money based on their job type. The government utilizes taxes to fund public services and programs, including education and healthcare facilities.

The Citizens in Society

The Citizens in Society


Wages and salairies
As people continue to work for their jobs, they may continue to earn hourly wages or salaries daily. Wages are more common in low-paying jobs that mostly involves in basic and simple tasks, part-time roles, and jobs with regular hours. On the other hand, salaries are more common in mid to high-paying jobs that mostly involves in career development, and salaries are also a key factor when it comes down to job security and benefits, company culture and reputation, and travel.
Careers and jobs
Every citizen has a right to get a certain job or career. Jobs and careers are important since they provide goals to work toward each day and an income to support everyone financially. As each citizen continues to work individually, they would eventually find themselves earning wages and salaries each day.


The government
The government's primary purpose is to provide laws and regulations for its citizens to ensure that the country is more safer and more fairer for all of them. Without the government, things would become more chaotic and more destructive for the country. Anarchies would rise in power, and there would be no laws for citizens, meaning that people could be free to do whatever they want, which might involve in mostly unsafe activity.
Elections for leaders and candidates
Every citizen have a right to elect for who is the best leader or politician. People need to decide for theirselves for what leader or represenative serves as the best for their country. When citizens are voting for a specific leader, they have to consider who creates the best laws and regulations or who governs the best for the country. Sometimes, people who are not informed or do not know about much of their leaders well are very likely to vote for the worst candidates or may not even vote at all.
Political leaders
The primary role of political leaders is to serve political power to the government, which means that s/he should be capable of making and enforcing laws for citizens, and doing some deeds that might support their country and their citizens in general. Political leaders are occupied for their own leaderships, such as the president, prime minister, senator, govenor, mayor, etc. Without political leaders, the country would be unbalanced, and there would be no one who would have control over their country and the people.


In universities and colleges, young citizens are fully able to train themselves for their dream careers. Much like schools, they can also play an important role for teaching and learning, education, research and technology. Once individuals graduate from universities or colleges or earn a degree, it will enable them to qualify for additional opportunities and also gives them more flexibility for where they want to work or what career they'll get.
Schools and the education system
The primary purpose of schools and the education system is to help children and youth navigate life, develop their own skills and enter a society where they can pursue their own jobs and careers later in their adulthood. Once individuals reach secondary school, they'll be able to make their own decisions by selecting their own optional courses that would lead to their career they've been acheiving for, whether it's in college or university.


Wants and needs
In economics, there are two divided categories that humans use products everyday for their daily lives; wants and needs. Needs are some products necessary that are used to survive, thrive and to function properly. Examples of specific human needs include water, food, shelter and clothing. On the other hand, wants are not necessary for living a healthy life, but they are something that is used to improve their quality of life, or often for consumption purposes. Examples of those wants include computers, toys, TVs or consoles.
Most of the citizens who are spending and buying for specific things in stores play their major roles as consumers. In economics, consumers primarily buy any sort of goods or services meant for consumption, rather than not being used for resale or for any commercial purposes. Consumers pay for a specific amount of money for something with the same required price - any kind of goods or service, which they then consume up for the product.
Money & taxes
In society in general, all citizens must have the right to get a job. As they continue to work for their jobs, they will start to earn or save money depending on their type of job. The Canadian government uses taxes in general to pay for public facilities services, as well as programs that we often use in Canada. Taxes can also be beneficial for paying for schools and education systems, health care faclities and hospitals.