Kategorier: Alle - cells - symmetry - evolution - organelles

av Sarah Howell 4 år siden


Tree Organigram

The history of life on Earth can be traced through a series of evolutionary milestones, starting from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) with DNA as its genetic storage. Bacteria, notable for their peptidoglycan cell walls, evolved separately from the common ancestor of Eukarya and Archaea, which share characteristics like histones and ether bonds in cell membranes.

Tree Organigram

Last Universal Common Ancestor -DNA as genetic storage -Ester bonds in cell membrane

Common Ancestor of Eukarya and Archaea -Presence of Histones

Archaea -Ether bonds in cell membrane
Eukarya -Presence of membrane bound nucleus -Presence of membrane bound organelles
Excavata -Feeding Groove -Secondary Plastids
SAR Clade

Rhizaria -Filose Pseudopodia



Common Ancestor of Stramenopila & Alveolata

Alveolata -Mebranous vacuoles -Secondary Plastids -Dinoflagellates have secondary OR tertiary plastids

Stramenopila -Tripartite flagellar hairs -Secondary Plastids



Unikonta -Heterotrophy Inherited from Ancestors

Amebozoa -Pseudopodia that extend like tubes or flat lobes -Slime molds

Opisthokonta -Singular Posterior Flagellum on Swimming Cells -Absorptive Heterotrophy

Kingdom Fungi -Fly Agaric & Black Bread Mold - Multicellularity - Chitin Cell Wall -Zygotic Life Cycle with Dikaryotic Stage

Common Ancestor of Choanoflagelletes & Animals

Kingdom Animalia - Multicellularity - Mobility - Complex Organ Systems - Gametic Life Cycle

Eumetazoa -Tissues

Cnideria -Diploblasty -Radial Symmetry

Anthozoa -Usually Only Polyp


Scyphozoa -Usually Only Medusa

Hydrozoa -Polyp & Medusa

Bilateria -Triploblasty -Bilateral Symmetry -Cephalization

Protostomia -Spiral & Determinate Cleavage -Blastopore Becomes Mouth

Ecdysozoa -Ecdysis -Metamorphosis (most)

Nematoda -Free-living & Parasitic -Complete Digestive Tract -Cuticle -Pseudocoelom

Arthropoda -Chesapeake Blue Crab -"Jointed Foot" -Segmented with Exoskeleton Made of Chitin -Complete Digestive Tract -Open Circulatory System

Chelicerates - Cephalothorax & Abdomen - 4 Pairs of Walking Legs, Pedipalps, & Chelicerae


Hexapoda -Have Six Legs -Insects -Many Have Wings -Head, Thorax, & Abdomen

Crustaceans -Cephalothorax

Lophotrochozoa -Lophophore and/or Trocophore Larvae

Common Ancestor of Mullusca & Annelida

Mullusca -Soft Bodied -Organ Systems -Mantle, Foot, & Visceral Mass -Coelomates

Bivalvia -Two Part Shells

Cephalopoda -Reduced or Absent Shells -Closed Circulatory System


Annelida -Segmented Worms -Closed Circulatory System -Complete Digestive Tract

Platyhelminthes -Acoelomates -Incomplete Digestive Tract -No Respiratory or Circulatory System

Tapeworms -Parasitic -No Digestive System

Trematodes -Parasitic

Free-Living Rhabditophorans

Deuterosomia -Radial & Indeterminate Cleavage -Blastophore Becomes Anus

Echinodermata -Giant Sea Star - "Spiny Skin" -Water Vascular System -No Brain -Complete Digestive System -Adults are radial symmetrical; larvae are bilaterally symmetrical

Holothuroidea -Sea Cucumbers

Asteroidea -Sea Stars

Echinoidea -Sea Urchins -Sand Dollars

Ophiuroidea -Brittle Stars

Chordata -American Black Bear -Notochord -Dorsal Nerve Cord -Endostyle -Pharyngeal Slits


Common Ancestor of Vertebrates & Urochordates


Vertebrates -Cranium -Vertebral Column

Agnathans (Clyclostoma)

Pacific Hagfish

Petromyzontida -Lampreys

Gnathostomes -Jaws -Bony Skeleton

Osteichthyes -Lungs/Lung Derivatives

Lobe-Finned Fishes -Skeleton Extends into Fins


Common Ancestor of Lungfishes & Tetrapods


Tetrapods -Four Limbs with Digits

Amniotes -Amniotic Eggs



Common Ancestor of Birds & Crocodiles




Lepidosaurs -Snakes -Lizards

Mammalia -Hair -Milk

Monotremes -Egg Laying Mammals

Common Ancestor of Marsupials & Eutherians



Amphibia -Non-Amniotic Eggs

Ray-Finned Fishes

Chondrichthyes -Bony Skeleton is Lost -Cartilaginous Skeleton in Extant Species

Porifera -Asymmetry -No Tissues


Archaeplastida -Primary Plastids

Bacteria -Presence of peptidoglycan in cell wall