Kategorier: Alle - society - betrayal - transformation - conflict

av Jalan Vristti 6 år siden


uglies book

The narrative revolves around Tally, a teenager experiencing various conflicts in a dystopian world where society pressures individuals to undergo surgery to become 'pretty.' Tally'

uglies book

uglies book


text to world
There is also discrimination. They show discrimination when they split everyone up based on age and the way they look. There is also discrimination in the “real world” where everyone thinks a different way and assumes things about each other. For example, someone must do a certain thing by a certain age and if not done they are a misfit, another example can be the way someone looks they might not be accepted in a certain environment without. People make assumptions even knowing if all of assumptions they are makeing are factual are real.

Qouta "But it's a trick, Tally. You've only seen pretty faces your whole life. Your parents, your teachers, everyone over sixteen. But you weren't born expecting that kind of beauty in everyone, all the time. You just got programmed into thinking anything else is ugly."

Quota “ What you do, the way you think makes you beautiful.”

text to text
If compared to this TedTalk article the author says that when one is happier they are healthier and they do more things, whereas the author shows when Tally is insecure she does not do as good as she is meant to like when she “ ran away “ they showed that she does not feel good the way she is because she is told the way she is is not good
text to self
The book compares very well to the world due to the fact that there are a lot of issues that Scott Westerfield talk about in the book that strongly relate. The first issue is insecurities there are so many things that people are insecure about in the world and in the book and you can see how insecure tally is because she is “ugly”. tally feels terrible about the way she looks due to the fact that she is told that being “pretty” is the only way you can look good.


pleasure gardens
where new pretties go at night

Qouta “The forest to either side was a black void full of wild and ancient trees, nothing like the generic carbon-dioxide suckers that decorated the city”

middle pretty town
is an area where pretties that are over 20 but under 50 live
Rusty ruins
Where the rustys lived. they were people that were like us.
The smokes are where the people that run away go to live. They have a lot of resources there that inform them what the rusties did.

Qouta “Nothing met her gaze but hills, blinding white with flowers, and the glimmering river climbing up into the mountains. It all looked so peaceful, a different world from the one that the flying machine had shattered last night”

The littles zone is where 4-6-year-olds go.
Where 7-9-year-olds live
Uglievile Where tally currently lives the tallest building there is four stories tall and is filled with dorms and schools for kids that are 10-15-year-old.
new prettytown
New Prittyvile is where you live after you get the big surgery when you turn 16 you get to party all night long and you move out when you turn 18


character to world
There is a character to world conflict. It happens when Tally does not want to be pretty but does it just to become uglies again because she realizes that there is so much more than just getting a surgery and partying like everyone in the society to tell her.
character to character

dr.cable did not let tally become pretty

Her parents

she has to talk to her parents and she gets upset at them for resitting to bringing her home

she made a promise that was very important for peris and then did not end up keeping the promises


Tally and Shey had a conflict when they both were arguing about going to the smocks. they both also had a conflict when talyy gave there location out to the specials

Qouta "Her only way home was to betray her friend."

character to self
Tally has a lot of self-doubts and she is really unsure about things that are “ naturally supposed to happen” like turning “pretty” she kinda falls into a mild form of dispersion after she was told she would never be “pretty”.


Qouta"It's not programming, it's just a natural reaction."


other characters
Andrew Simpson Smith
Az- Davids dad
Madie- Davids mom
Other specials
Dr. cable


Discrimination causes self-esteem issues and the issues cause insecurities overall. don't think that someone is unattractive because someone else can think that that person is gorgeous.
Qouta Perhaps the logical conclusion of everyone looking the same is everyone thinking the same.”