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With the U.S. having completed their imperial expansion with wars such as the spanish-american war, and developing a sense of isolationism at the end of the wars.
With the use of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman telegram, the USA was pushed into world war 1 in 1917.
Many incentives were created to make americans colonize the continent throughout the early time periods. including the homestead act. The dawes act divided reservation land into land for families.
With the continuation with societal uproar and riots such as the great railroad strike of 1877, hay market square 1886, homestead strike of 1892, and the Pullman strike of 1894.
Many incentives were created to make Americans colonize the continent throughout the early time periods. including homestead act.
american workers felt threatened by job competition caused by exponentially increasing immigration. The Chinese exclusion act was made to help stop immigration from eastern Europe.
As a basis for political machines, monopolies and trusts that Roosevelt would unravel in the next time period. Social Darwinism would become a prominent aspect in american economics.
With reconstruction, government intervention, and gilded age. Many Americans especially in the south urged laissez faire.
Throughout american history there were many kinds of forced labor. Forced labor was a big part of american culture. Slavery was the most prominent during this time period. The Souths economy was based on slavery like how the southern colonies relied on slavery and indentured servitude.
Due to high tensions war, and division emerged. Different views on the war began to form. the divisions and war drove an even bigger wedge between the north and south. The south began to hate the north and treat blacks even worse because they blamed them.
The acquiring of new territories, would lead to political debates about whether the new states should be slave or free states. Slavery was a main topic in the country at this time and many conflicts happened due to the issue. Movements were created in support of slavery (Ku Klux Klan) and against it (abolitionist movement). The inability to come up with a peaceful solution to the slavery would cause states to secede from the union. This would lead to the civil war. Once the north won the civil war blacks were granted rights of u.s. citizens. The south would use many different laws to keep blacks from equal rights. Conflicts over equality would continue for decades. Reconstruction lasted from 1863-1877.
The debates that started during this time was about slavery moving into new areas of the united states. This was caused by migration and settlement in new areas. The inability to come up with a peaceful solution to slavery would lead to the civil war.
Reconstruction: lasted from January 1, 1863 - March 31, 1877 it took place after the civil war. Reconstruction was the the north enforcing laws in the south passed to give blacks rights as citizens. Blacks were protected by the military. The end of reconstruction was a turning point because after the military left the south there was no one to protect the blacks so they were persecuted.
During this time period there was a lot of migration westward in the united states. Native Americans were forced to move from their lands as Americans moved west influenced by manifest destiny. African Americans were forced to be slaves in the south. they had no rights and they were considered property.
California gold rush caused many people to migrate and settle in the west looking for wealth in gold. This was a big reason for the increase in settlement in the west. In some cases whole families would move westward.
Mexican-American war: This was a big reason for the expansion to the west during this time. Americans were eager to explore the new territories gained from the war.
The discovery of the new world, impacted everyone's lives around the world. People were drawn to the americas with hope for new opportunities that weren't available in europe. Migration from western europe was especially great during this time. The development of colonies in the americas would soon lead to people becoming more independent of the monarchs of their mother country. When europeans moved to the americas and conquered land from the native americans, this would lead to many conflicts between european colonists and native americans.
In 1607, Jamestown was founded. It was the first permanent English settlement in the new world. This created a turning point in the English colonies, because it would inspire new colonies to be formed and further develop the idea of self-government.
Economic and social problems in Europe were the reasons why so many people left Europe and migrated to the Americas. For example, in England the people were suffering from a shortage of food and overpopulation, this made many of them flee to the new colonies. The feudal system in Europe made it impossible for people to change social class. The people that were at the bottom(like serfs) suffered, while the people at the top of society enjoyed many luxuries. The people of europe left to escape religious persecution and to get new opportunities.