Kategorier: Alle - functions - convergence - series - power

av Brandon Timpe 11 år siden



A power series in a variable x is expressed as a sum of terms involving coefficients and powers of x. These series can converge or diverge based on specific conditions: they may converge only at x = 0, be absolutely convergent for all x, or converge within a certain interval while diverging outside it.


Calculus II

Chapter 19 Differential Equations

Ch. 19.2 First-Order Linear Differential Equations

The first-order linear differential equation y' + P(x)y = Q(x) may be transformed into a separable differential equation by multiplying both sides by the integrating factor e^integral P(x)dx.


A first-order linear differential equation is an equation of the form:

y' + P(x)y = Q(x)

where P and Q are continuous functions.

Chapter 13 Plane Curves & Polar Coordinates

Ch. 13.15 Polar Equations of Conics

A Polar equation that has one of the four forms:

r = de/(1+/-ecos 0)

r = de/(1+/-esin 0)

is a conic section. The conic is a parabola if e = 1, an ellipse if 0<e<1, or a hyperbola if e>1


Let F be a fixed point and l a fixed line in a plane. The set of all points P in the plane, such that the ratio d(P,F)/d(P,Q) is a positive constant e with d(P,Q) the distance from P to l, is a conic section. The conic is a parabola if e = 1, an ellipse if 0<e<1, and a hyperbola if e>1

Ch. 13.4 Integrals in Polar Coordinates

ds = Root(r^2 + (dr/d0)^2)d0


If f is continuous and f(0)./= 0 on [alpha,beta], where 0</=alpha</=beta</=2pi, then the are A of the region bounded by the graphs of r = f(0), 0 = alpha, and 0 = beta is:

A = Integral from alpha to beta of 1/2[f(0)]^2d0 =

Integral from alpha to beta of 1/2 r^2d0

Ch. 13.3 Polar Coordinates

The slope m of the tangent line to the graph of r = f(0) at the point P(r,0) is:

m = ((dr/d0)sin 0 +r cos 0)/((dr/d0)cos 0 - r sin 0)


i. The graph of r = f(0) is symmetric with respect to the polar axis if substitution of -0 for 0 leads to an equivalent equation.

ii. The graph of r = f(0) is symmetric with respect to the vertical line 0 = pi/2 if substitution of either (a)pi - 0 for 0 or (b) -r for r and -0 for 0 leads to an equivalent equation.

iii. The graph of r = f(0) is symmetric with respect to the pole if substitution of either (a) -r for r or (b) pi + 0 for 0 leads to an equivalent equation.


The rectangular coordinates (x,y) and polar coordinates (r,0) of a point P are related as follows:

i. x = r cos 0, y = r sin 0

ii. r^2 = x^2 + y^2, tan 0 = y/x if x doesn't = 0

Ch. 13.2 Tangent Lines & Arc Length

If a smoot curve C is given parametrically by x = (ft), y = g(t); a</=t</=b, and if C does not intersect itself, except possibly for t = a and t = b, then the length L of C is:

L = Integral from a to b of Root([f'(t)]^2 + [g'(t)]^2dt =

Integral from a to b of Root((dx/dt)^2 + (dy/dt)^2)dt


d^2y/dx^2 = d/dx(y') = (dy'/dt)/(dx/dt)


If a smooth curve C is given parametrically by x = f(t), y = g(t), then the slope dy/dx of the tangent line to C at P(x,y) is:

dy/dx = (dy/dt)/(dx/dt), provided dx/dt doesn't = 0

Ch. 13.1 Plane Curves

Let C be the curve consisting of all ordered pairs (f(t), g(t)), where f an g are continuous on an interval I. The equations:

x =f(t), y = g(t)

for t in I, are parametric equations for C with parameter t.


A Plane curve is a set C of ordered pairs (f(t),g(t)) where f and g are continuous functions on an interval I.

Chapter 12 Topics from Analytic Geometry

Ch. 12.4 Rotation of Axes

The graph of the equation:

Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx +Ey + F = 0

is either a conic or a degenerate conic. If the graph is a conic, then it is:

i. a parabola if B^2 -4AC = 0

ii. an ellipse if B^2-4AC < 0

iii. a hyperbola if B^2-4AC > 0


To eliminate the xy-term from the equation:

Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx +Ey + F = 0,

where B doesn't = 0, choose an angle Q such that

cot 2Q = (A-C)/B with 0^o<2Q<180 degrees

and use the rotation of axes formulas.


If the x- and y-axes are rotated about the origin O, through an acute angle Q, then the coordinates (x,y) and (x',y') of a point P in the xy- and x'y'-planes are related as follows:

i. x = x'cos Q - y'sin Q, y = x'sinQ + y'cos Q

ii. x' = xcos Q + ysin Q, y' = -xsin Q + ycos Q

Ch. 12.3 Hyperbolas

The graph of the equation:

y^2/a^2 - x^2/b^2 = 1

is a hyperbola with vertices (0,+/-a). The foci are (0,+/-c), where c^2 = a^2 + b^2


The graph of the equation:

x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 = 1

is a hyperbola with vertices (+/-a,0). The foci are (+/-c,0) where c^2 = a^2 + b^2


A hyperbola is the set of all points in a plane, the difference of whose distances from two fixed points in the plane (the foci) is a positive constant.

Ch. 12.2 Ellipses

The eccentricity e of an ellipse is:

e = c/a = Root(a^2-b^2)/a


The graph of the equation:

x^2/b^2 + y^2/a^2 = 1

for a^2> b^2 is an ellipse with vertices (0,=/-a). The endpoints of the minor axis are (+/-b,0). The foci are (0,+/-c) where c^2 = a^2 - b^2


The graph of the equation:

x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1

for a^2>b^2 is an ellipse with vertices (+/-a,0). The endpoints of the minor axis are (0,=/-b). The foci are (=/-c,0) where c^2 = a^2 - b^2.


An ellipse is the set of all points in a plane, the sum of whose distances from two fixed points (the foci) in the plane is constant.

Ch. 12.1 Parabolas

If (x,y) are the corrdinates of a point P in an xy-plane and if (x',y') are the coordinates of P in an x'y'-plane with origin at the point (h,k) of the xy-plane, then:

i. x = x' + h, y = y' + k

ii. x' = x - h, y' = y - k


A parabola is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point F(the focus) and a fixed line l (the directrix) in the plane.

Chapter 11 Infinite Series

Ch. 11.10 The Binomial Series

If lxl < 1, then for every real number k,

(1+x)^k = 1 + kx +K(k-1)/2!(x^2) + ....+(k(k-1)....(k-n+1))/n!(x^n)+....

Ch. 11.8 Maclaurin & Taylor Series

If x is any real number,

limit as n->infinity of lxl^n/n! = 0


Let f have derivatives of all orders throughout an interval containing c, and let Rn(x) be the Taylor remainder of f at c. If:

Limit as n-> infinity of Rn(x) = 0

for every x in the interval, then f(x) is represented by the Taylor series for f(x) at c.


Let c be a real number and let f be a function that has n derivatives at c: f'(c), f''(c),....f^(n)(c). The nth-degree Taylor polynomial Pn(x) of f at c is:

Pn(x) = f(c) + f'(c)(x-c) + f''(c)/2!(x-c)^2 + .... + f^(n)(c)(x-c)^n /n!


If a function f has a power series representation:

f(x) = (sigma)An x^n

with radius of convergence r>0, then f^(k) (0) exists for every positive integer k and An = f^(n) (0)/n!. Thus:

f(x) = f(0) + f'(0)x + f''(0)/2! (x^2) +.....+ f^(n) (0)/n! (x^n) +....

Ch. 11.7 PowerSeries Representations of Functions

If x is any real number,

e^x = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ...+ x^n/n! + ....

Ch. 11.6 Power Series

If (sigma)Anx^n is a power series, then exactly one of the following is true:

i. The series converges only if x = 0

ii. The series is absolutely convergent for every x

iii. There is a number r > 0 such that the series is abs. convergent if x is in the open interval (-r,r) and divergent if x < -r or x > r


i. If a power series (sigma)Anx^n converges for a nonzero number c, then it is absolutely convergent whenever lxl < lcl

ii. If a power series (sigma)Anx^n diverges for a nonzero number d, then it diverges whenever lxl > ldl


Let x be a variable. A power series in x is a series of the form (sigma)An x^n = A0 + A1x + A2x^2 + ...+ Anx^n

where each Ak is a real number.

Ch. 11.5 Alternating Series & Absolute Convergence

If a series (sigma)An is absolutely convergent, then (sigma)An is convergent.


A series (sigma)An is conditionally convergent if (sigma)An is convergent and (sigma)lAnl is divergent


A series (sigma)An is absolutely convergent if the series (Sigma)lAnl = lA1l + lA2l + ... + lAnl

is convergent.


The alternating series:

(sigma)(-1)^n-1(An) = A1 - A2 + A3 - A4 + ....+ (-1)^n-1(An)

is convergent if the following 2 conditions are satisfied:

i. Ak > Ak+1 > 0 for every k

ii. Limit of An = 0

Ch. 11.4 The Ratio & Root Tests

Let (sigma)An be a pisitive-term series, and suppose

Limit as n-> infinity of ^nRoot(An) = L

i. If L < 1, the series is convergent

ii. If L > 1, the series is divergent

iii. If L = 1, apply a different test, the series can be either convergent or divergent.


Let (sigma)An be a pisitive-term series, and suppose

Limit as n-> infinity of An +1/An = L

i. If L < 1, the series is convergent

ii. If L > 1, the series is divergent

iii. If L = 1, apply a different test, the series can be either convergent or divergent.

Ch. 11.3 Positive-Term Series

Let (sigma)An and (sigma)Bn be positive-term series. If:

Limit as n->infinity of An/Bn = c>0,

then either both series converge or diverge.


Let (sigma)An and (sigma)Bn be positive-term series:

i. If (sigma)Bn converges and An</=Bn for every positive integer n, then (sigma)An converges

ii. If (sigma)Bn diverges and An>/= Bn for every positive integer n, then (sigma)An diverges.


The p-series (sigma)1/n^p

i. converges if p>1

ii. diverges if p</= 1


A p-series, or a hyperharmonic series, is a series of the form:

(sigma)1/n^p = 1 + 1/2^p + 1/3^p + ... + 1/n^p

where p is a positive real number.


If (sigma)An is a series, let f(n) = An and let f be the function obtained by replacing n with x. If f is positive-valued, continuous, and decreasing for every real number x>/= 1, then the sereis (sigma)An

i. converges if Integral from 1 to infinity of f(x)dx converges

ii. diverges if integral from 1 to infinity of f(x)dx diverges


If (sigma)An is a positive-term series and if there exists a number M such that:

Sn = a1 +a2 + ... + An <M

for every n, then the series converges and has a sum S</= M. If no such M exists, the series diverges.

Ch. 11.2 Convergent or Divergent Series

If (sigma)An is a convergent series and (sigma)Bn is divergent, then (sigma)(An + Bn) is divergent.


If (sigma)An and (Sigma)Bn are convergent series with sums A and B respectively, then

i. (sigma)(An +Bn) converges and has sum A + B

ii. (sigma)cAn converges and has sum cA for every real number c

iii. (sigma)(An-Bn) converges and has sum A - B


If (sigma)An and (sigma)Bn are series such that Aj = Bj for every j> k, where k is a positive integer, then both series converge or both series diverge.


If a series (sigma)An is convergent then the limit An = 0


Let a not = 0. The geometric series

a + ar + ar^2 + ... + ar^n-1

i. converges and has the sum S = a/(1-r) if lrl < 1

ii. diverges if lrl >/= 1


The harmonic series is the divergent series

1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n


A series (sigma)An is convergent if its sequence of partial sums {Sn} converges - that is, if:

limit as n->infinity of Sn = S for some real number S

The limit S is the sum of the series (sigma)An and we write

S = a1 + a2 + ... + an + ...

The series (sigma)An is divergent if {Sn} diverges. A divergent series has no sum.


i. The kth partial sum Sk of the series (sigma)An is:

Sk = a1 + a2 + .... + ak

ii. the sequence of partial sums of the series (sigma)An is

S1, S2, S3, ..... , Sn,....


An infinite series is an expression of the form:


or, in summation notation,


Each number Ak is a term of the series, and An is the nth term.

Ch. 11.1 Sequences

If a nonempty set S of real numbers has an upper bound, then S has a least upper bound.


A bounded, monotonic sequence has a limit.


Let {An} be a sequence. If limit as n->Infinity of lAnl = 0, then limit as n->Infinity of An=0


If {An}, {Bn}, and {Cn} are sequences and An</= Bn</=Cn for every n and if:

limit as n->Infinity of An = L = limit as n->Infinity of Cn,


limit as n->Infinity of Bn = L


i. limit as n->infinity of r^n = 0 if lrl<1

ii. limit as n->infinity of lr^nl = infinity if lrl>1


Let {An} be a sequence, let f(n) = An, and suppose that f(x) exists for every real number x>/= 1.

i. If limit as x-> Infinity of f(x) = L, then limit as n-> Infinity of f(n) = L

ii. If limit as x-> infinity of f(x) = infinity or - infinity, then limit as n-> Infinity of f(n) = infinity or -infinity.


The notation:

Limit as n-> infinity of An = infinity

means that for every positive real number P there exists a number N such that An>P whenever n>N


A sequence {An} has the limit L, or converges to L, denoted by either:

Limit as n-> infinity of An = L or An-> L as n -> Infinity,

if for every E> 0 there exists a positive number N such that:

lAn - Ll<E whenever n>N.

If such a number L does not exist, the sequence has no limit, or diverges.


A sequence is a function f whose domain is the set of positive integers.


Sequence notation:


Chapter 7 Logarithmic & Exponential Functions

Ch. 7.6 Laws of Growth & Decay

Let y be a differntiable function of t such that y>0 for every t, and let y_0 be the value of y at t = 0. If dy/dt = cy for some constant c, then:

y = y_0e^ct

Ch. 7.5 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

i. lim as h-> 0 (1+h)^1/h = e

ii. lim as n->infinity of (1+1/n)^n = e


i.Dx log_a x = Dx (Ln x/Ln a) = 1/Ln a (1/x)

ii. Dx log_a lul = Dx (Ln lul/Ln a) = 1/Ln a (1/u)Dxu


y = log_a x if and only if x =a^y


i. integral of a^x dx = (1/Ln a) a^x + C

ii. integral of a^u du = (1/Ln a) a^u + C


i. Dx a^x = a^x Ln a

ii. Dx a^u = (a^u Ln a)Dx u


Let a>0 and b>0. If u and v are any real numbers, then:

a^u(a^v) = a^u+v

(a^u)^v = a^uv

(ab)^u = a^ub^u

a^u / a^v = a^u-v

(a/b)^u = a^u / b^u


a^x = e^xlna

for every a>0 and every real number x

Ch. 7.4 Integration

i. integral of tan u du = -Ln lcos ul + C

ii. integral of cot u du = Ln lsin ul + C

iii. integral of sec u du = Ln lsec u + tan ul + C

iv. integral of csc u du = Ln lcsc u - cot ul + C


If u = g(x) and g is differentiable, then

integral of e^u = e^u + C


If u = g(x) and doesn't = 0 and g is differentiable, then:

intregal of 1/u du = ln lul + C

Ch. 7.3 The Natural Exponential Function

If u = g(x) and g is differentiable, then:

Dx e^u = e^u Dx u


Dx e^x = e^x


If p and q are real numbers and r is a rational number, then:

i. e^p(e^q) = e^p+q

ii. e^p / e^q = e^p-q

iii. (e^p)^r = e^pr


i. ln e^x = x for every x

ii. e^ln x = x for every x > 0


Definition of e^x: If x is any real number, then

e^x = y if and only if ln y = x



Definition 7.16

The letter e denotes the positive real number such that ln e = 1.

Definition 7.15

The natural exponential function, denoted by exp, is the inverse of the natural logarithmic function.

Theorem 7.14

To every real number x there corresponds exactly one positive real number y such that ln y = x.

Ch. 7.2 The Natural Logarithmic Function
Theorem 7.11

If u=g(x) and g is differentiable, then

I) Dx ln u = 1/u Dx u if g(x)>0

II) Dx ln |u| = 1/u Dx u if g(x) cannot equal 0

Theorem 7.10

Dx ln x = 1/x

Definition 7.9

The natural logarithmic function, denoted by ln, is defined by

ln x= integral x to 1 1/t dt

for every x>0

Ch. 7.1 Inverse Functions
Domains & Ranges 7.4

domain of f^-1 = range of f

range of f^-1 = domain of f

Theorem 7.3

Theorem 7.3 Let f be a one-to-one function with domain D and range R. if g is a function with domain R and range D, then gi is the inverse function of f if and only if both the following conditions are true: I. g(f(x))=x for every x in D II. f(g(y))=y for every y in R

Definition 7.2

Definition 7.2 Let f be one-to-one function with domain D and range R. A function g with domain R and range D is the inverse funtion of f, provided the following condition is tru for every x in D and every y in R: y=f(x) if and only if x=g(y)

Definition 7.1

Definition 7.1 A function f with domain D and range R is a one-to-one funtion if whenever (a) does not equal (b) in D, then f(a) cannot equal f(b) in R.

Chapter 8 Inverse Trigonometric & Hyperbolic Functions

Ch. 8.4 Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

i. Integral of 1/Root(a^2+u^2))du = sinh^-1 u/a + C, a>0

ii. Integral of 1/Root(u^2-a^2)du = cosh^-1 u/a + C, 0<a<u

iii. Integral of 1/(a^2 - u^2)du = 1/a tanh^-1 u/a + C, lul < a

iv. Integral of 1/(uRoot(a^2 - u^2))du = -1/a sech^-1 lul/a + C, 0<lul<a


i. Dx sinh^-1 u = 1/Root(u^2 + 1))Dx u

ii. Dx cosh^-1 u = 1/Root(u^2 - 1))Dx u, u>1

iii. Dx tanh^-1 u = 1/(1-u^2)Dx u , lul <1

iv. Dx sech^-1 u = -1/(uRoot(1-u^2))Dx u, 0<u<1


i. sinh^-1 x = Ln(x + Root(x^2 + 1))

ii. cosh^-1 x = Ln(x + Root(x^2 - 1)), x>x/= 1

iii. tanh^-1 x = 1/2 Ln (1+x)/(1-x), lxl < 1

iv. sech^-1 x = Ln (1 + Root(1 - x^2))/x, 0<x</= 1

Ch. 8.3 Hyperbolic Functions

i. Integral of sinh u du = cosh u + C

ii. Integral of cosh u du = sinh u + C

iii. Integral of sech^2 u du = tanh u + C

iv. Integral of csch^2 u du = -coth u + C

v. Integral of sech u tanh u du = -sech u + C

vi. Integral of csch u coth u du = -csch u + C


i. Dx sinh u = cosh u Dx u

ii.Dx cosh u = sinh u Dx u

iii. Dx tanh u = sech^2 u Dx u

iv. Dx coth u = -csch^2 u Dx u

v. Dx sech u = -sech u tanh u Dx u

vi. Dx csch u = -csch u coth u Dx u


i. 1 - tanh^2 x = sech^2 x

ii. coth^2 x - 1 = csch^2 x


i. tanh x = sinh x/cosh x = (e^x - e^-x)/(e^x + e^-x)

ii. coth x = cosh x/sinh x = (e^x + e^-x)/(e^x - e^-x) , x doesn't = 0

iii. sech x = 1/cosh x = 2/(e^x + e^-x)

iv. csch x = 1/sinh x = 2/(e^x - e^-x) , x doesn't = 0


cosh^2 x - sinh^2 x = 1


The hyperbolic sine function, denoted by sinh, and the hyperbolic cosine function, denoted by cosh are defined by:

sinh x = (e^x -e^-x)/2 and cosh x = (e^x + e^-x)/2

for every real number x

Ch. 8.2 Derivatives & Integrals

i. Integral of 1/(Root(a^2-u^2))du = sin^-1 u/a + C

ii. Integral of 1/(a^2+u^2)du = 1/a (tan^-1 (u/a)) + C

iii. Integral of 1/u(Root(u^2-a^2))du = 1/a (sec^-1 (u/a)) + C


i. Dx sin^-1 u = 1/(Root(1-u^2))Dx u

ii. Dx cos^-1 u = -1/(Root(1-u^2))Dx u

iii. Dx tan^-1 u = 1/(1+u^2)Dx u

iv. Dx sec^-1 u = 1/u(Root(U^2 - 1))Dx u

Ch. 8.1 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The inverse secant function, or arcsecant function, denoted by sec^-1, or arcsec, is defined by:

y = sec^-1 x = arcsec x if and only if x = sec y

for lxl>/= 1 and y in [0,pi/2) or in [pi,3pi/2)


i. tan(tan^-1 x) =tan(arctan x) = x for every x

ii. tan^-1(tan x) = arctan(tan x) = x if -pi/2<x<pi/2


The inverse tangent function, or arctangent function, denoted by tan^-1, or arctan, is defined by:

y = tan^-1 x =arctan x if and only if x = tan y

for every x and -pi/2<y<pi/2


i. cos(cos^-1 x) = cos(arccos x) = x if -1</=x</=1

ii. cos^-1(cos x) = arccos(cos x) = x if 0</=x</=pi


The inverse cosine function, denoted cos^-1, is defined by:

y = cos^-1 x if and only if x = cos y

for -1</=x</=1 and 0</=y</=pi


i.sin(sin^-1 x) = sin(arcsin x) = x if -1</=x</=1

ii. sin^-1(sin x) = arcsin(sin x ) = x if -pi/2</=x</=pi/2


The inverse sine function, denoted sin^-1, is defined by:

y = sin^-1 x if and only if x = sin y

for -1</=x</=1 and -pi/2</=y</=pi/2

Chapter 9 Techniques of Integration

Ch. 9.6 Miscellaneous Substitutions

If an integrand is a rational expression in sin x and cos x, the following substitutions will produce a rational expression in u:

sin x = 2u/(1+u^2)

cos x = (1-u^2)/(1+u^2)

dx = 2/(1+u^2)du

where u = tan x/2

Ch. 9.1 Integration by Parts

If u = f(x) and v = g(x) and if f' and g' are continuous, then:

Integral of u dv = uv - Integral of v du

Chapter 10 Indeterminate Forms & Improper Integrals

Ch. 10.4 Integrals with Discontinuous Integrands

If f has a discontinuity at a number c in the open interval (a,b) but is continuous elsewhere on [a,b], then:

Integral from a to b of f(x)dx = Integral from a to c of f(x)dx + Integral from c to b of f(x)dx,

provided both of the improper integrals on the right converge. If both converge, then the value of the improper integral from a to b of f(x)dx is the sum of the 2 values.


i. If f is continuous on [a,b) and discontinuous at b, then:

Integral from a to b of f(x)dx = limit as t->b^- of integral from a to t of f(x)dx,

provided the limit exists.

ii. If f is continuous on (a,b] and discontinuous at a, then:

Integral from a to b of f(x)dx = limit as t->a^+ of integral from t to b of f(x)dx,

provided the limit exists.

Ch. 10.3 Integrals with Infinite Limits of Integration

Let f be continuous for every x. If a is any real number, then:

Integral from -infinity to infinity of f(x)dx = integral from -infinity to a of f(x)dx + Integral from a to infinity of f(x)dx.

provided both of the improper integrals on the right converge.


i. If f is continuous on [a,Infinity), then:

Integral from a to infinity of f(x)dx = limit as t->infinity of the integral of f(x)dx,

provided the limit exists.

ii. If f is continuous on (-infinity,a], then:

Integral from - infinity to a of the integral of f(x)dx = limit as t->-infinity of the integral of f(x)dx,

provided the limit exists.

Ch. 10.1 Indeterminate Forms 0/0 and Infinity/Infinity

Suppose f and g are differentiable on an open interval (a,b) containing c, except possibly at c itself. If f(x)/g(x) has the indeterminate form 0/0 or Infinity/Infinity at x=c and if g'(x) doesnt = 0 for x doesn't = c, then:

limit as x->c f(x)/g(x) = limit x->c f'(x)/g'(x)

provided either limith as x->c f'(x)/g'(x) exists or limit as x->c f'(x)/g'(x) = Infinity


If f and g are continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b) and if g'(x) doesn't = 0 for every x in (a,b), then there is a number w in (a,b) s.t.:

(f(b)-f(a))/(g(b)-g(a)) =f'(w)/g'(w)