Kategorier: Alle - safety - residents - flooding - farmers

av khookj 1998 13 år siden


Whether to build a Dam

The proposal to build a dam has sparked discussions among different stakeholders, each weighing the potential benefits and downsides. For residents, the dam promises to halt flooding, which has historically damaged buildings and threatened safety.

Whether to build a Dam

Whether to build a dam

I like the way your group places an opinon based on your own individual roles

Perhpas you would like to put more elaboration on your points

check your notes

and look at internet

Get the important points

Ok We WiLl I tHiNk


Its a good idea. Many people in the company lost homes and even love ones. Hope that the dam will end the flood forever.Think that its also good for attracting tourist when reservoir is created and when there are new recreational activities there.
If the dam breaks, flooding will continue. So, it means the dam is a temporary way to stop flooding.So, must find another better way.

elaborate further how it helps the residents

k thanks

The flooding will stop and so, buildings and structures will stop being damaged.Hence, place will become safer. Familes then could have a better life and dont have to be so worried about safety.

Environmental Scientists

It is not recommended to build a dam as ot causes a lot of harm to the ecosystem, forcing a lot of fishes to extinction. It also leads to pollution of the river as, the waste materials deposited into the river are unable to exit as it will be blocked by the dam.
Negative Effects
Building of Dam will cause irreversible damage to the ecosystem

Rubbish will collect behind the dam and the dam's slow moving water will stop the rivers natural cleaning mechcanisms.

Many species of animals will be affected example: fish might not be able to travel up stream to spawn,so thier population will decrease.

Due to reduced water speed, silt will collect behind the dam,making the land below the dam less fertile.

The reservior will not be able to collect as much water as silt collects, making it shallower.

Positive effects
Rise in river temperature

It causes species of fishes that are unable to survive in cold river to thirve in the now warm river.


Opinion on proposal
I think it is a good idea as we can save alot of money on repairs and we can prevent the loss of human life,which is our top priority as the government.We can also decrese our carbon credits as we can produce greener energy.
Negative effects
fishermen who depend on the fish for their livelyhood will be affected and will affect the local fishing industries too.
Farmers will complain as lack of fertile land below the dam.
Large amount of money used for building and maintaining the dam.
Positive Effects
Generation of electricity via Hydroelectric plant.

Can be used as a new way to produce electricity.

Less money used for repairing of flood damage and money can be used for other uses.

Less buildings will be damaged due to absence of flooding.

Prevention of loss human life as there is no more flooding,to ensure public safety.
Increase of water supply to Brisbane to reduce the impact of lack of water.

water for cooling of machinery,washing buildings ,washing of machinery etc...

Use for recreational activity like Swimming pool,canoeing etc...

Water for agri-culture


Opinion on proposal

Great that your group has an opinon based on the role you have





I do not think it is a good idea as the farms are the best agricutural land that they have,and they have learnt to adapt to the floods and learnt to counter the floods too. They feel that the government should not disrupt the flooding as there might be terrible consquences like what happened in Egypt after building the Aswan dam.
Negative Impacts
-When there are no avaliable farms, there would not be any food avaliable.
-Soil is no longer fertile

It is almost impossible to grow crops.

-Spend money to buy expensive fertilizers to replace slit to grow crops as slit will be trapped below the newly dam

Farmers might have little profit and might not be able to purchase fertilizers

-Those who live behind the dam will have to leave their homes as the land would be flooded

People might not get used to staying in other place resulting in a not comfortable stay

-Farms will be put underwater and destroyed due to the flood that will cover the land

What does it mean by "put underwater"? would you like to elaborate further?

Positive Impacts
-Farmers downstream will be saved
-There will be more water available

Crops would grow better

-Able to control floods

Lesser crops would be affected by the floods

-There will be less floods

Lesser crops would be lost