av Meiyi Sun 1 år siden
World War 1
During the First World War, Canada played a significant role in several key battles, which contributed to the development of its national identity. At the Battle of Ypres, Canadian troops held their ground even when faced with the first use of poison gas by the Germans.
World War 1 Conscription crisis Military Service Act Make serving soldiers to feel safe Conscription to war on men age 18-45 Enthusiasm decreased since information about war were sent home Military Voters Act Serving men over sea gained right to vote 15< years enemy country residents lost suffrage Women of serving men gained right to vote Wartime Election Act The election split the country apart French Canadians strongly against An election for conscription to war Canada's homefront Victory Bonds Donations were put to gather money Children buy stamps to support war People lend the government money Propaganda It used guilt and sympathy It was put to encourage rationing for war at home It were put in to encourage men to join war Women's Role Women's right started to develop during the time Women took most of men's job when war began Cause of World War 1 Nationalism Disagreement over lands and resources Major countries become industrialized Increase in tension in early 20s Imperialism Colonized countries involved if war Counties colonize to frighten each other Alliance System Defend the other if attacked Multiple Countries getting involved if war Agreement between countries to support each other during war Militarism Navy race between Britain and Germany Countries competing on army power Trench Warfare Construction of trenches Sand bags can protect soldiers from gunfire Placed duckboards to avoid sinking Zigzag form to provent straight shooting Over the top Men can be tangled by barked wire Soldiers go over the trenches into no-mans-land Life in trench Stored food, many suffered from hunger Breeding ground for lice and rats Unsantary enviroments can lead to diseases Canadian Military Role The battle of Passchendale Stopped on Nov. 11 known as Remembrance Day Was captured by the Canadians Last battle in World War One The battle of Vimy Ridge The war developed Canada's nationhood Only Canada captured Vimy Ridge First war led completely by Canadian The battle of Somme First time tank was used Largest single day of casualties ever Over 90% of the Newfoundland regiment was killed or wounded in 22 mins The battle of Ypres Only Canadians stood their ground Poison chlorine gas first used by German First global war Canada involved in