av Shibumi 1 15 år siden
Yannick is a conscientious individual who demonstrates strong critical and logical thinking skills. He is meticulous in his work and remains systematic and organized in his approach to tasks.
Yannick Empathises easilyHeart-sort of person Systematic, organisedOften uncomfortable outside systemsNeeds reassurance in things he does Often gets frustrated when people are not the way they "should" beadd something? Trusts the adults at school completely Has many ideas about what is "good" for him to do Meticulous worker Enjoys sports very much but not yoga PoliteNot with people he knows? StraightforwardTransparent Very attached to his family Enjoys interacting with people though is often shy with new peopleConnects more easily with foreigners? Abstract, critical and logical thinking skills need to be developed ConscientiousResponsible Loves music, stitching