לשה"ר דרך רמז
‍is Full LH ‍(LH1_8)

Source for איסור?
How does a Rashi on Chumah outweigh 2 Gemaras?
Especially when it requires chiddushim to reconcile

Proof Against

Gemara Berachos
re: מצא או מוציא

Q - Why doesn't CC use peshat used by רי"ף and נתיבות (avoids LH entirely and is מדויק in the story)

Q - How can he use RambaM's shittah re: דבר המפורסם when he warned against using it?

Q - Isn't his explanation (everyone knows about a bad כלה) hard to understand במציאות? Also, why didn't the choson know?

Gemara Yevamos:
re: Rav מוציא כגון אמך

Introduces היתר for speaking LH כדי ללמד קרא (if already known)

Proof For

Rashi explanation of an apparent Aramaic idiom used by Onkelos/Sefer Daniel

What exactly is דרך רמז?

Why does he distinguish it from לשה"ר בצינע which does have an explicit Gemara?

How does it differ
from אבק לשה"ר?

Gemara re: עכן:
A גורל is מותר

Perhaps still LH, but less
(and thus obligated) - see Gra