2021 G101 L10-12 From Simple to Complex

What do we find out?

Ways to help solve the issue of food insecurity in singapore(mingchuang)

find out the different parts of the ecosystem that leads to food insecurity and the negative consequences (helena)

find out the causes that cause food insecurities (helena)

find out ways to reduce food wastage (maegan)

find out which companies fighting for food wastage (maegan)

find out which companies that are helping the needy through charity donation of food (helena)

how do we encourage people to join and help the needy (helena)


food insecurity (maegan)

covid causes decrease economy, so price of food is increased, many people cannot afford (helena)

While meal prices in Singapore can vary, the average cost of food in Singapore is SG$30 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Singapore should cost around SG$12 per person (helena)

lack of manpower (maegan)

food wastage (maegan)

Food waste accounts for about 11 per cent of the total waste generated in Singapore. The overall amount of food waste generated in 2020 was 665,000 tonnes (helena)

preference of food which each individual might not suit them when given out to them. (mingchuang)

lack of food availability (helena)

Lack of Information

Unaware of how to cook the food which results in food wastage/Unaware of subsidies/beneficiaries(andris)

financially unstable / especially during the covid period where businesses have been terminated. (mingchuang)

Main topic

What do we know?

Singpaore is the most food secure country in the world from 2016 to 2018(andris)

4.1% of Singaporeans faced moderate to severe food insecurity between 2016 to 2018 (mingchuang)

Singapore majority are not suffering from food problems but there is minority that are suffering from it so we should try to help food insecure households (helena)

What we do not know?

What difficulties did the 4.1% faced which led to their food insecurities? (mingchuang)

Which households are currently facing food insecurities and how can we better fullfill the needs of the people (helana)

What are the companies involve in helping lack of food/ the needy (helena)

What are the needs of these people?(andris)

Which households fall under 4.1 % that are facing hunger?,How can we cater to these groups specifically ?(andris)