Mentality: Get away from your disgusting, unhygienic family that you love so dearly.
Good education= success.
Lying about what I do, how, I think and act at home vs out.
Constant guilt for practicing premarital sex. Not what my parents raised me to do.
I don't listen to Christian music and I know my parents disapprove. I have to hide it from them.
I like being obedient and giving, but it hurts my wallet and takes away money from things I can spend it on.
If I owe all my good fortune to God, then does that mean all of my hard work is invalid?
I don't want to feel guilty for being myself.
I hate being with my family sometimes because their bad hygiene. I want to move out solely because of this.



Move out ASAP.

I want a car.

I want to get married and have a family.

I want to graduate with 2 Associate's at 18.


Bad hygiene.

The notion and pressure that I have to be "perfect", and that I'm wrong for feeling that way.

Pretending that I obey everything my parents want me to.

Bad people.

My impulsive cleanliness.



Sex before marriage is wrong.

People should pay for their sins, but it's not our responsibility to decide how- it's Gods.

It is the trait of a good Christian to be obedient.

All of my blessings, successes, and reasons for happiness are because God allows it.

Tithe- donate 10% of every paycheck I receive to the church.

Anything not in direct correlation with God is considered worldly and is therefore a sin.









Being accepted by people around me.

Hard work is the reason for success.
